how many damsels and clowns can live......

I usually tell people that put in damsels to do so at their own risk. The only one I would recomend would be the green chromis. Not as aggressive as most. I would only put one in in a tank your size. i have some yellow tail blue damsels that I have had in the tank since starting it up 5 yrs ago. They give me no problems, but they are small compared to the Tang and squirrel fish that I have.
Damsels try to dominate the tank, but I have heard good things about the green ones.


I have one clown and one yellow tailed blue damsel in a 10 gallon tank with 11lb of live rock and 20lbs of live sand. Also have 4 blue leg crabs and a whisper 10 powerfilter along with a Lee's protein skimmer. I think my 2 fish are enough for that tank.
I do however have an 80 gallon tank also should the fish grow too big for the 10 gallon tank (hopefully several years from now ??).
Hope this helped!


If you are going to keep anemones I wouldn't recommend keeping more clownfish than anemones. The clownfish who don't have a host will be harassed by the clownfish who least in my experiences.