How many engineers does it take...


Active Member
Hey--I've retrofitted in a 13 watt pc in my 3 gal office nano...(yes I'm an engineering grad student and my other engineering office mates and I are stumped on this one--please, no engineer light bulb jokes :) )...but the reflector I epoxied (using marine epoxy) to the ballast--however it's not setting--it sticks (ie I can hold it upside down), but is still movable laterally. Is it the heat of the bulb melting the epoxy? What's the best way to attach the reflector? thanks! -leigh


Marine Goop works really well for that.
Don't know why you have the problem with the epoxy. Maybe your mix? If you have lateral movement I would be concerned with shear. I used to use 3M 5100 for some special projects but there are poly sulfides in some of the commercial marine sealants and I don't know what that might do......I vote Marine Goop.