How Many Fish and ?'s on Cleanup Crew

I just ordered a 29 gallon biocube. I want to know how many fish I can keep in there. I want to get 2 clownfish for sure. Also, what kind of clean up crew would work best in a 29 gallon reef tank.


IMO with 2 clowns, you can maybe have 2 other small fish
Clean up crews, nassarius snails, cerith snails, 1 emerald crab


I would also suggest a brittle star. Mine does an excellent job at cleaning the sand and eating excess food along with my snails and emerald crab. Plus, the star is more active during the day than the emerald crab so it is something else to look at and watch because my emerald only comes out at night when the room is completely dark. The star also cleans up the crevices and holes that the crab or snail cannot get into in the live rock.