how many fish at a time?


New Member
Hello all,
Just wondering, we were told you should only get one fish a month? This gives them time to adjust. Is this true? or can you buy more than one at a time?


Active Member
well.. it kinda bepends on the size of your tank and how big of a fish u have... u kinda have to go with experience.. but most case.. and the best chioce is 1 a month.. reason for that is because 1 fish = food for ## amount of bacteria.. and will only have that same ## of bacteria to breakdown that fish's wast.. therefor when u add a new inhabitant to your tank your bacteria will be less then the amount of wast that the fish will give... soo u have to wait about 1 month so the bacteria can grow and build to handle the new inhabitant... that way your bacteria and fish ratio will be balanced.. and not crass due to amonia and such..


i agree...doesnt really have anything to do with the fish adjusting, but gives your bio filter time to adjust to the new ammonia load. If they are small fish and you have a large tank you can probably get one every couple weeks but make sure you keep an eye on your levels.


only thing id like to add to this discussion... you should do some planning on your fish list. add the most aggresive/territorial one last. that is the one drawback to adding fish more slowly, they have time to setup their territory. in a small tank, that could very well be the whole setup.