How many fish can I add at once?



I have a 265 gallon saltwater tank. I have in the tank right now, a bicolor angel, a yellow tang and a tomato clown. Plus plenty of live rocks and live sand. I would like to add 20 Green Chromis to add some color but I know it's too much. But What about 10? Can I add 10 Chromis at once? and How long do I have to wait to add another 10? Also Can I add together with the Chromis about 12 blue hermit crabs? Thank you.


Active Member
How big are the blue chromis? But in a 265 gallon tank I dont really see it being a problem... wait how long have u had the tank set up?


Active Member
If the tank is well established and you haven't added anything in the past month or two, you could get away with 10 small chromis at one time. I wouldn't do more than that, and if your tank hasn't been up for a year or you've added something in the past month, I suggest waiting a while.


Active Member
Vic Pmd me and told me the tank had been set up for 3 years now...
So they should be okay with addin 3...
I asked what filteration they use and havent gotten a reply back yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Vic Pmd me and told me the tank had been set up for 3 years now...
So they should be okay with addin 3...
I asked what filteration they use and havent gotten a reply back yet
Cool deal.


Hi everybody, I have a 265 gallons aquarium set up for about 3 years now. I going to add 10 small green chromis. My question is Can I add say 10 blue leg hermit crabs, 10 turbo snails, and a few peppermint shrimps together with the fish at the same time? Is it too much?
Originally Posted by VICDIANA
Hi everybody, I have a 265 gallons aquarium set up for about 3 years now. I going to add 10 small green chromis. My question is Can I add say 10 blue leg hermit crabs, 10 turbo snails, and a few peppermint shrimps together with the fish at the same time? Is it too much?
Should add odd number 9 or 11 from what I hear......
WEll the peppermint and the turbos arent going to effect your bio-load so no adding those to arent going to hurt but adding the Chromis will make a difference
DONT ADD A ODD NUMBER just warning you because then the fish will create some type of hiearchy and will pick on the weaker fish and might kill them. So add EVEN numbers


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
DONT ADD A ODD NUMBER just warning you because then the fish will create some type of hiearchy and will pick on the weaker fish and might kill them. So add EVEN numbers
Not true. Schooling fish like Chromis and some Tangs should be added in odd numbers.
I dont think so cause think of it this way, what if you were going out with your friend and he took his girl with you guys, when they start kissing and doing lubby dubby stuff dont you kind of feel like the third wheel haha