how many fish can I have in a 90 gallon and a 120 gallon ...


I have a 65 gallon now with about 12 fish all pretty much on the small side though 3 are puffers.
Whenever I've posted a message about my tank I am usually old I have too many fish, I am going to upgrade to either a 90 gallon or 120 gallon. What is the maximum amount of fish I can keep.

My sump has now and will have in the future a dry/wet system with the bio balls, a protien skimmer and ultra UV thingy (forgot what you call it)
I keep fish only with no live rock and my fish are on the small side ... thanks for your advice !!!!!!!
4 blue damsels
1 medium size dogface puffer (started out on the smaller side)
1 Valentini puffer
1 Star & Stripe puffer ((very very small (maybe 1-2 inches)
1 blue hippo tang (small)
1 small maroon clown
1 yellow goby
2 other fish forgot their names but they are 2 inches each non aggressive


Active Member
yeah i would comment on the too many fish thing, but you already know
. what filtration do you have? you said you have and will have some of those items, what are you running now? Also if you intend to upgrade you may want to base your filtration around that. it doesnt hut in the time being to run a bigger filtration system anyway, so thats an idea. not having LR is really not a good thing. a UV sterilizer is up to you. I dont see a need for one, but its ultimately up to you. with what fish you have i strongly recommend a 120 minimum. i really would look into LR it will be beneficial especially with your waste producers that you have.. you really are kinda maxed out even for a 120. that hippo will need 6 ft of swimming space with that many fish in there, and those puffers will get big. :happyfish


Originally Posted by ebaybrad
i will give you 41.50 for the puffer
If your willing to go up to $42 I'll include delivery


Active Member
I suggest the 125 min for an upgrade for these fish and I personally dont recomend adding more to it.
4 blue damsels// (these will probly kill each other off in the long run) thats an iffy
1 medium size dogface puffer (started out on the smaller side)// will get over a ft long and very messy fish(agressive feeder)
1 Valentini puffer //smaller type but still messy eaters(agressive feeder)
1 Star & Stripe puffer ((very very small (maybe 1-2 inches)// will also get over a ft long agressive and messy feeder
1 blue hippo tang (small)//gets to be a good size needs room to swim
1 small maroon clown//aggressive clown gets 5-7 inches
1 yellow goby//more of a docile species
2 other fish forgot their names but they are 2 inches each non aggressive //unknown
when my ss puffer past away this val he was over 13 inches long.I had him for 3 1/2 yrs he was 5-6 inches when I purchased him.
all of these fish need space to move about and the bio load will triple as they grow .in time you will find that even though now you have lots of room in a larger tank they will take up lots of is an example of what your stars and strips will become(this was my puffy)ps you will def need cc substrate for your puffers if you use sand you will end up filing their teeth.LR will also be very helpful for your tank.your fish need a private place to hide LR will give them more of a home feeling(less stressful inviroment)also please remember puffers only puff when they feel threatened or stessed prolonged puffing can be fatal to them.


Active Member
I agree your pretty well stocked unless you go with something in the 200 range. You never go by there size now you always go by there adult size. Saltwater fish will grow no matter what tank size there in.