HOW many FISH can...

duece biga

New Member
what kind of fish can i put in a 46 bow front with about 40lbs of live rock. i recently had a clown trigger which the LFS would not take back or exchange so he died this morning probably because of stress not sure. But im wanting lots of color (no damsels). Something like maybe angels or tangs etc. Also Can i put a huma huma in a 46gal or maybe butterflies?:help:


Active Member
The fish you are considering are WAY too big and delicate! You will lose a lot of fish. YOu should be looking at fish along these lines (example, NOT all together!)
sixline or similar wrasses
dottyback or gramma
some dwarf angels
perhaps a yellow eye tang for awhile (but no other tang IMO)
some gobies
some blennies
Not many aggressive fish are suitable for this tank long term...much too small for most, IMO.
I also would NOT buy another thing from that LFS. They sold it to you when the shouldn't have, and then wouldn't take it back. Not good :nope:

duece biga

New Member
thanx for the info an yea im not ever going back to that store again. I bought a 46bow front from them,44 gal corner aquarium,all the heaters,skimmers,powerheads,filters and on top of that a 100 dollar clown trigger and then they do me that way, guess u learn the hard way in this hobby.:mad: oh and i have a niger trigger on hold up there i done payed in full for is this fish going to be to big or should i try and trade it?


Active Member

Originally posted by ophiura
I also would NOT buy another thing from that LFS. They sold it to you when the shouldn't have, and then wouldn't take it back. Not good :nope:

I agree fully. That LFS should not have ever sold that fish to you.


Active Member
not too much offense meant here, but how is it the lfs' fault that you bought a fish that needed a tank 3 times that size? If you read even one saltwater fish book, you would have known that wouldn't work. those fish get to be 19 inches long. lfs' are usually all about making money, and while that's not ethical, and they SHOULD have told you, it still doesn't excuse your actions here. sorry if this was a little harsh, but I don't believe in "learning things the hard way"...I believe in researching for myself so I don't have to depend on an lfs to be completely truthful about things.
and I also don't like the advice of keeping a tang long enough until it can be moved. there are too many fish bought with bigger tanks in mind, and when they never get around to the bigger tank, the fish suffers.
again, I don't mean to offend, but research would have saved you a lot of money and aggravation, and that fish's life.
oh, as far as your original question, you can get by with about 13-15 inches of fish, depending on size and room requirements....meaning SMALL fish, mostly 3 inches or smaller. about the biggest you'd want to handle would be a dwarf angel.