how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??


Active Member
my little sister (7) loves my 90 gallon reef and now wants a tank of her own to go in her room,( i would take care of it for her LOL) i have a spare 29 gallon that i am giving her.
here are all the fish she likes
valentini puffer or spotted toby puffer
2 occelaris clowns
pygmy angle
bi-color blennie
neon goby
royal gramma
OBVIOSLY she could never have all those fish but which fish would be the best in a tank that size there will be a magnum 350 for the filter. its going to be a fowlr. thanks soo much Connor


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
The clowns, Blenny, Goby, and Gramma are what I would put in there.

yeah but isnt 5 fish to much for a 29 gallon tank?


I have 6 in mine 30 gl reef. Its not really the amount of fish as much as it is the size of fish. Those fish are'nt very big, and I think they would be fine in there. Provided enough LR.


as long as they are the smaller fish like you mentioned you should be fine. Just monitor your tank parameters when you have your total fish load in there.