How many Fish in a 180 Gallon Tank


I am setting up my 180 and so far here is what I have decided on.
150 lbs of Fiji Live Rock.
Miniatus Grouper
Niger Trigger
Imperator Angel
Flagfin Angel
Naso Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Picasso Trigger
Can I add any other fish with those or am I at capacity? IF I can add other fish, what kind of cool fish can I get to include with these guys. I plan on keeping them all to maturity. Any advice would be helpful. I am at work, but I believe the tank is 6'x3'x2'.
Edit: Also, in what order should I introduce the fish so that they all thrive in the aquarium without fighting?


So often I bash people for not educating themselves about the creatures they bought before they bought them that I thought I'd drop you a congrats on doing it the right way! This is how its done folks. Learn first and then purchase and watch the fish thrive not just survive!
My 180 is 6' x 2' x 2'. I have 16 Green Chromis, 2 Pearlscale Butterflies, 1 coral beauty, 1 pacific blue tang, 6 cardinals, 1 clownfish, 2 coral banded shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp and room for alot more. But my fish are not the big waste producers like your trigger fish are. The angels are big waste producers too. I'd stick with what you have listed and see how it goes. This is a pretty aggressive setup.
Here's the order I would do:
I'd intorduce the two tangs first, followed by the angels, the grouper and finally the triggers.


Hey BlueMarlin, is that a Reef Tank that you got going? It must be cool watching all those Chromis school together? I love to see a pic if you have any? I'm also just about to put up a 180 Reef, I just got my Eco-system in.


New Member
I am interested in your philosophy of stocking. You seem to be sure of the things you are doing. I am would like to know how long you have had your tank set up with the current load. If my calculations are right you are over stocked already. I am not looking for problems only solutions. So If you have some insight I would appreciate the help. My understanding is 1" of fish for every 5 gal. of water, so I did some figuring and this is what I got, please let me know if I am off on this or not. (Assuming all the fish are new or are young) the total inches could be more if you have any fish bigger than what is suggested. Is the rule not really valid for a fowlr tank?
16 green chromis = 1 - 2" x 16 = 16 - 32 "
2 pearlscale butterflies = 2 - 3" x 2 = 4 - 6 "
1 coral beauty angel = 2 - 3" = 2 - 3"
1 pacific blue tang = 2 - 3" = 2 - 3"
6 cardinals = 1- 2" x 6 = 6 - 12"
1 clownfish = 1 - 3" = 1 - 3"
TOTAL 31 - 59 "