How Many Fish


New Member
Hello Guys and Gals,
I am wondering how many tangs of some other fish that I can put in my 65 gallon reef. It is established with some zoo's and other assorted polyps. Have snails and crabs(emerald, blue legged) orange and blue linkias. 1 coral catfish and 1 2inch Flame angel. The fish I have had for ages and want something that will swim around the top of the water.
There is about 50lbs of LR and lots of swimming room. I would like to put at least 3-5 yellow tangs in if the system can handle it. What do you guys think?
Any suggestions for a different kindo of fish.


I wouldn't put so many yellow tangs in, but that's just my personal preference--I like variety, so I wouldn't put a bunch of the same fish in my tank (except pairs).
There's a <i>general</i> rule that I've heard from many sources, that for saltwater fish, you should have at least 2 gallons of water for every inch of fish, excluding their tail. It's also highly dependent on the fishes' personal needs, the amount of filtration, swimming room, and so many other variables as well.
I've heard flame angels aren't the best reef dwellers--have you had any problems with yours? I have a coral beauty and it's never bothered anything in my tank, but some people don't have luck with them.
Since you have such a big tank, I'd definitely get a blue hippo tang if I were you. I just think they're the coolest, lol.
Good luck, and I'd love to see pictures!! :happyfish


New Member
No probs with the flame. I like variety also but I am trying to find something active and possibly "schoolish"


New Member
If you are looking for a schooling fish, how about a group of Blue/Green Chromis. I have 5 in my 55 and they all school together (even my 2 false percs hang with them). I a nice school, say 7-11, would look real cool swimming around your tank. Just a suggestion.


New Member
sounds good I was thinking of those also. Do you think I could do more than 11.
Would I need to add them all at the same time if my LFS can't get that many at once.


Ok, here is what I have in my 60 gal hex....
2 3-stripe damsel
2 blue chromis
3 yellow tang
2 percula clowns
2 of some other damsel think yellow tail? my kids picked them!
2 atlantic anemone
3 emerald crabs
small group of polyps
3 large hermits
5 scarlet hermits
3 large turbo
10 small turbo
2 brittle stars
2 orange linkia I know I'll hear its too many fish, but don't feel like writing why it works for my tank...thats already in another post.
I am running an experiment that so far is working perfectly. All fish have been there at least 1 year, all are healthy, and never had an outbreak of any kind. After I have another couple months of success, beleive me, I'll post my method of madness.


No on the tangs.
Chromis would look nice, but I would not go more than 11....that is a ton of fishj for a 65 gallon.
Maybe 3 or 4 Bartlett's Anthias would look really nice as well.


I mentioned this on another thread, but again, I don't think it is a good idea to encourage people to overstock their tanks. What works for you (large and frequent water changes) might not work for them, and I think you are encouraging people into bad situations that will have a negative effect on their livestock.
Also, as I am slightly unclear on your "experiment tank. While I understand that you have managed to keep the water quality under control, have you noticed a change in the natural behaviours of the fish due to the crowding? Increased agression of any form?


I dont think I "encouraged" anyone to overcrowd a tank, nor do I think my tank is even overcrowded.
What I mean by experimental tank is I am doing a few unorthodox things with it that I will post at some point once I am sure of the results. I am using the shape of the hex to its advantage, placing LR in certain areas to create a certain flow, and have picked certain creatures to fufill certain duties to complete a symbiotic relationship between all of them. I am also using filtration not normally used: A cascade 1000 with carbon and floss that I replace carbon every couple weeks and cycle the floss, and a rio 800 powerhead. No other means of filtration is used, and I am using a specific ozone/ultraviolet light/1 micron carbon filtered water source. I ahve placed the tank in a specific location near a specific window in my home for a certain lightsource.
Other variables are in place.
Regardless, no, none of the fish ever nip at eachother, no one has ever been sick, and all of them are going about looking very pleased. Every fish in the tank has been there at least a year.
I would NOT encourage anyone to put this many fish in a tank. I like to experiment with things, and so far so good :)


Active Member
i would have to agree with you smarls, as i too have noticed him posting his livestock on a lot of begginner's stocking questions.
i dont think that its a great idea as i have 4 fish including only 1 yellow tang in my 55. a hex is even worse as it is more tall instead of long, auotmatically cutting the swimming room into about half or more al ready


New Member
1st of all not a beginner.
I am just seeing what other people are doing. I generally don't have many fish in my reefs. In this one I was going to put more fish in.
lets get some specific responses.
How many chromis would (you!) put in a 65 gallon tank with plenty of water movement and filtration.


and no...actually I do not do ridiculously frquent large water changes...well depends i guess compared to whom..but I do a vaccuming every 2 weeks where i suck out about 5-6 gallons. then replace that water with my water filter i spoke of earlier, add salt, level Ph and dump in over a couple of hours.
I do check my parameters every few days and make a minor adjustment here and there.


Active Member

Originally posted by clintau
1st of all not a beginner.
I am just seeing what other people are doing. I generally don't have many fish in my reefs. In this one I was going to put more fish in.
lets get some specific responses.
How many chromis would (you!) put in a 65 gallon tank with plenty of water movement and filtration.

LOL, im not talking about you :rolleyes: im talking about other threads. lol, sorry for the confusion:D


look, no one has to agree with me, frankly i could care less lol...all I know is I have a tank that is healthy over a decent amount of time, looks great and am happy with the progress.
I do not post to encourage any newbies. I am responding to posts that say "how many fish" etc. They can take it anyway they want.
I'll write a disclaimer for now on "do not attempt this at home"


Active Member

Originally posted by ctgretzky9
I'll write a disclaimer for now on "do not attempt this at home"
