How many Fish


Active Member
Do you have in your 12 gal Nano. Right now i have one Clown Goby,but it seens a little lonely. ??

bang guy

Clown Gobies do fine by themselves. You have space for another small fish though if you want. Barnacle Blennies are cool ;)


Just look for natural filtration (macro algae) and really there is no limit. I have a small patch of calurpa (the feathery one) and a large ball of red macro. I have 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 yellow watchmen goby, 1 candy stripe pistol shrimp, a bunch of snails and some crabs, 1 decorator crab, 3 damsels (blue yellow tail, domino, tabot's), and one PEACOCK MANTIS SHRIMP and everyone is happy and i am thinking about adding more. So just pack em in there!


nanomantis you are a retart and i didnt want to say it but you keep giving people bad a 12 gallon i would only put 2 fish no matter how much macroalgea you have in there.


Active Member
Dont worry I would never follow that guys advise. I am not that dumb. He has way too much, in such a small tank. I would never try to cram that much into a small tank and take a chance on loosing everything..


Active Member
Originally Posted by njfish77
nanomantis you are a retart and i didnt want to say it but you keep giving people bad a 12 gallon i would only put 2 fish no matter how much macroalgea you have in there.
Just because you have a different opinion about how many fish he keeps in his tank, there's no reason to call people names.


hey i am just telling people whats working for me, everyone approches this hobby differently, hey maybe ive just gotten lucky so far and it will crash one day (i really hope not), but im just reporting whats worked so far. And how will we really know how many fish you can put in the tank unless u test the limits? There is no rule of thumb, different people have different filters and different amounts of LR. I do a waterchange once a week, i have a lot of LR, a lot of Macro algae and i run purigen, maybe thats why its worked so far i dont know. But just because different things have worked for me that are, lets say, not textbook, no reason to say o he is wrong or o he does not know what he is doing.
first casualty in my nano, my decorator crab captured and ate my talbots damsel, i did not know they would do that


AW2 didnt mean it like that. Nano mantis glad its working for you but maybe you could be lucky so you know why tell people to get lucky instead of get it right???


I believe there is no need to call people name, we do what we believe is right, even sometimes when others tell you otherwise, but one thing we have to understand, we read and learn from this forum and to me honestly, I rather LEARN THE RIGHT WAY than be just lucky. I rather do the way most of us believe is right.
There is always an exception to the rule, but sometimes the exception exceed the limit.


i heard once there was a formula to based on the width x depth (surface area) and then it was converted to a number by dividing it by some number (I cant remember) and that number was the total length in inches of fish that you can have.
dont laugh, but i know i read it somewhere, i think the logic was based on the surface area you could have more fish in it... i dont know am i the only one who has heard this?
if im an idiot just let me know


catalina gobys come from colder waters so there not really meant to live in tropical tanks.
but nanomantis had a real good idea with the shrimp goby may still be able to get one because your clown is actually not reall there bioload wise.but whatever you think is right.