How many fish?


Once I get cycled, how many fish should you start out with in a small tank? 26gal. Right now I have 2 Damsels starting the cycling. I didn't want to go that way, but I caved and have to live with it.


I'm still new to this but i think the general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. So if you have a 26 gal tank you can have a combo of fish to equal 26 inches. However I would shoot for 20 inches total to account for tank decorations ect.
With that rule in mind I would SLOWLY add fish in order for your tank to adjust to the amount of fish in the tank. If you add too quickly you will over load the system. :happyfish


correct fg
Go Slow with the additions. One a month should be good in a system that small.
But I would prefer to say 2" of fish per gallon. That way you can be certain with the amount of equipment and rocks in there.


Thank you fg and fishy for the info, you have confirmed what I have read, being 1-2" per gallon at the most. I read about adding them slowly here earlier. Moray, I hadn't read that anywhere but will keep researching.


Originally Posted by Dischirm
Actually with saltwater they really recommend that you have 1" of ADULT size fish for every 5 gallons.
I agree to a point.. I think it really depends on the fish how much of a mess it makes when it eats how much waste it puts in the tank and what kind of food it eats....JMO