How Many Fish?


I have a 29 gallon biocube and was wondering how many fish or inches of fish I can keep in it. I have about 45 pounds of rock and 45-50 pounds of live sand. I turned the center portion of the back filter area to a refugium with chaeto in it. The other portions have live rock in them. I also have 2 power heads in the back to increase flow. Right now I have 2 percula clowns, 2 firefish, 25 snails, 12 hermits, 1 serpent star,1 brittle star, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sexy shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, 1 banded sea urchin, 3 feather dusters and a few corals. My water specs are all looking good at zeros for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. How much more can my tank handle. I really wanted a Jawfish, 1 more firefish, 2 blue chromis, and an orange diamond goby. I know the orange diamond are recommended in a 50 gallon tank but I wanted to try one out. Is that too much?


lol...A guys question just got responded to in the thread above mine. good luck I guess. What other fish do you think I can add besides the ones I have for my setup?


the rule of thumb is 1" of (adult size) fish for every 5 gallons...
29gal/5= around 6" of fish - remember - they grow- so think about the full grown size when using that rule-of-thumb


Active Member
I would say one more fish, no more because you'd be maxed out.
chuckcac- the #inch per #gallon is more for freshwater. Say i have a yellow tang that will get around 7" as an adult. Could i put that in a 35 gallon since thats 1" per 5 gallon? Not really, the fish would never be happy. Its more of the specific needs/how big the fish gets that needs to be looked at rather than how many inches per gallon.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
I would say one more fish, no more because you'd be maxed out.
chuckcac- the #inch per #gallon is more for freshwater. Say i have a yellow tang that will get around 7" as an adult. Could i put that in a 35 gallon since thats 1" per 5 gallon? Not really, the fish would never be happy. Its more of the specific needs/how big the fish gets that needs to be looked at rather than how many inches per gallon.
hey feduke -
true- that is a species specific requirement... the tang police would get ya anyway

and yes, i was generalizing... i forget where i read that "/gal rule... it's in the archives somewhere... :notsure:
actually...someone gave me that rule when i posted a potential stock list a few months ago... but i have read that more than once on here... someone said it was a good rule of thumb for beginners so they dont overstock...


Active Member
Ok, mabey its an ok rule, if used the right way. The person has to know what kind of fish are compatible, and what kind of fish they can keep in there tank, then I guess after they figure that out, they can use the 1" per 5 gallon rule.


feduke - i totally agree!!!
we can only hope/assume that people are doing the right research for their species' specific needs/compatibility...