How many fish


Active Member
2 small fish will work nicely, I have 2 ocellaris clowns in my 12 gallon, and just about any clowns will work, except maroon (unless you keep it to only 1), they get rather big.


0 no fish in a 300-under gallon tank,oh you could get a single polyp zoo!
Nah it really depeneds.I decided on 4 fish that I thought would make the perfect reef.
Clown Pair
Coral Beauty
Six-Line Wrasse
My dad made me get the CB and I had a Bannerfish I let a friend hold on to until I get a bigger tank*which i'm looking for one for sale* And I will make this tank a mini-reef and put the CB in the bigger tank when it is finished.*Could I keep the reef like it has cause they are all adorable together and very touchy fish*. Just want an opinion.
I admit I overstocked and I think.
Royal Gramma
3-Striped Damsel
Clownfish Pair would be nice.


I have 2 fish in my 24g. I could put more if they were smaller fish. I have a yellow wrasse and a maroon clown. I won't put anymore in because they really need to be moved to a larger tank in the near future.


I HAVE 4 fish in my 24 gal. reef and everything is fine
2 true perc.
randalli goby
and royal gramma


ya id say two average fish in there. u can prolly do an average sized fish with two small ones like shrimpgobies or something. im planning to have 4 in my 20 i got 3 now. but 2 of them are fairly small.


i really like royal grammas and was debating on getting one for my 12 gallon but i already have a 6-line wrasse and a small false perc. i dont really want to get rid of any of the fish that i already have. is it even possible to think that i could run a successful reef with these 3 fish in a 12 gallon?


Probably, it just depends on if it gets stressed or not. I personally wouldn't get one saying mine killed 3 fish. they also get pretty big for a small tank.


yeah at our lfs i saw one that was probably 5 inches. that was the biggest sixline ive ever seen! right now mine is only about 2 1/2 inches long and my clown is about 2 inches. ill get rid of the 6 line someday when he gets tooo large.