how many fish???

I have a 150 gallon tank with 275#L/R 160# of L/S how many fish should I have in there and if I get rid of ome fish will that help with my hair algae problem. it is almost ready to take over I just got 150 crabs and 100 turbo snails and I put another skimmer in so I have a berlin turbo and a berlin turbo XL I am using 2 250 watt 12000K metal halides and 2 140watt 50/50 I am using the 50/50 vhos for 6 hour and then the halides for 4 hours any help will be much appreciated :(


Active Member
I have a couple of questions for you:
How old are your lights?
What are your nitrate levels?
How many fish do you have now?
How about crabs and snails?
well the 2vho's are less than 6 months old and the metal halides are new like 2 weeks old my nitrates are on my test kit it is never over .05 and fish I have a foxface,yellow tang,sailfin tang, kole tang,3 blennys, a 3 bar,a purple fire goby,manderin goby,2 blue dams,3 star fish and 150 crabs red and blue and 15green 100 turbo snails


Active Member
Green hair is caused by numerous factors. Nitrates Phoshate bad lighting.. to name a few. I have had my fair share of the stuff. It took a while.. A long while, to go away. By doing regular water changes with RO water and a killer invert package I can say I am hair algea free. It will take time.
If your algea is tall the crabs and snails will not touch it. You need to manually remove as much as possible to get it to a managable level for the crabs. Turbo Snails really ate the stuff in my tank.
Just be patient and do not do anything drastic and it will all work out. Just be sure to use good water and do regular maintance.
Good Luck!

kris walker

Active Member
To add, if you do remove fish, your nitrates will go down if they are high (hard to say how high they are given what you say about it--I didn't know nitrate test kits had precision like that).