How many gold stripe maroon clowns & my fishlist

jessi p

I have a 75 that I purchased from a gentleman not too far from me, with a sump, refugium, skimmer. The tank has been established for a year at least. There is one blue damsel and about 6 crabs. I got a sebae anemone (tan-yellow in color) last week and a coral banded shrimp.
My fish list is as follows:
1 Coral Beauty Angel
1, 2 or 3 Gold Stripe Maroon clowns
1 Yellow watchman Goby
1 PJ cardinalfish
1 Royal Gramma
More cleaner crew (6 or 12 more?)
Eventually 1 Green Mandarin when I have more LR and pods for him to munch.
My Qs are:
1) How many GSM clowns? 1, 2 or 3?
2) Does this fish list sound appropriate for the size and other tank inhabitants?
3) The size of my cleaner crew - how much more should I have?


Active Member
you should only clowns in pairs, and only hve one pair per tank, you can keep one by himself also
if you look in the reef pachage part they have cleanup crew sets you can get or just get a guid line for what you need
i dont know about the manderin, ther are some firsh and coral that i think should just not be in the tank and from what i have read about them they are on the list of do not gets, sometimes they will take mysid shrimp but most of the times no only pods and they eat alot


Active Member
I honestly think that you should only have one gold stripe. Maroons are extremely territorial and having 2 assuming that they pair up will cause the tank to be in constant aggressive mode. Your other list of fish are very docile. I have a cinnamon clown that I have had for over a year that whenever I put my hand in the tank to do anything she attacks it. They also are territorial, this is why I only got one.
Also, assuming it lives out its life in your tank maroons are the largest clownfish, easily can get to be 6-7".
Beautiful they are, just come with the small dog attitude.

jessi p

Ok - if the best thing for world peace is to have just one, then one it is. :cheer: :thinking: :cheer: I have enough chaos in my life, don't need it in the tank too!

Thanks for the replies!


Lots of crabs and snails and a few cleaner shrimp too!!! But lots of crabs and snails. 75 of each I think......

jessi p

I am going to get the reef package for 50-100 gallons. That has 40 hermit crabs, another 25 snails, a couple clams and 6 shrimp. Sound alright?


Yep that sounds alright. You can always add more if you think that is not enough later.