how many hours should l leave the lights on!


it looks like it is commonly sold for $20 -$25 for a 20 pound bag
Do you think I need 20 or 40 pounds. And do you suggest any specific type of sand there seems to be a wide variety.
I have what I think is all fiji rock so does this mean i should use all fiji sand?


OK I'm ready to start the change over but I was only able to get 20#LS will that be enouph or should I just wait till I can get more?


New Member
Definitely a good idea to switch to sand. CC and UGF...VERY BAD. Speaking from experience. I just switched mine over about a month ago, and what a difference it makes in tank appearance, cleanliness and water clarity. Make sure you get a good cleaneup crew.


I think I have narrowed a list as far as a cleaning crew
1 emeral crab
5 scarlet hermits
2 turbo snails mexico
5 nassariun snails
do you think i should add a banded coral shrimp?
Could I buy have the crew now and the other half in 2 weeks?


New Member
Buying some of your crew now and some later should not be a problem. I would rather add them all at once to keep the sand as clean as possible right from the start, but it definitely shouldn't be a big issue.


New Member
I might go with a few more hermits( maybe 10 instead of 5), but you do have a decent mix there. I wouldn't worry about the shrimp right now. I've never had one, but I've heard that they may on occasion eat your smaller cleaners(hermits) and you can probably do fine without it. I've got a mix of crabs and snails, and they are doing my tank just fine(30 G).
Make sure you add extra empty shells for the hermits or they will proceed to kill each other. I know from experience.


New Member
Your LFS would probably have them. If not, most on-line sites have them. I'm sure this site probably has them.


sorry pensky i havent been responiding as much. ive been doin inventory in my store:jumping:
:jumping: im all over the place.
your cleaning crew should be sufficient for a while. let it be and then keep checking you water readings, look at the sant and glass for algae growth and then go from there. i liked your set up. it looks good. make sure you get extra shells for sure i live by the beach and have unlimited access to crabs, snails, and most inverts (nd have checked the laws, to make sure im in the clear) so i went a bit over board with my cleaning crew, but after the first week i had 20 dead hermits?..........they were all killing each other to get at the otherones shell.:hilarious
so i learned my lesson! well any other questions? glad the pic's are working again.


do you thing i need 50 empty shell or just a couple extra will do. I'm not sure the size but won't 50 empty shell take up a lot of room?


Active Member
You just need a few of each size in the tank at a time. Keep the extras on hand and put them in the tank as needed.


Active Member

Originally posted by pensky
OK I'm ready to start the change over but I was only able to get 20#LS will that be enouph or should I just wait till I can get more?

Add it now to keep the bacteria in the sand healthy. You can always add more later. Add the second layer slowly (less than an inch a day) so you don't smother the healthy first layer.