How many inch of fish per gallon


sinner's girl

How many fish per gallon?
I read some here to find it, but I'm not have much luck. We have a 75gl and are keeping damsels.
We have 7 in there at the moment. The most I ever kept in my 55gl was 3. I don't know how much lr, lost count over the years, and now we have all the lr from the 55gl in the 75gl
Is 7 too many? If not, how many more can be added before reaching the limit? They are all very small right now, I know they can get big, I had a big one. (we have a 55gl tank, that could be set up later).
If you don't use your knowlege, you lose it. (or I have anyway...blame it on schooll)

jimmy g

Why would you want to keep devils in ur tank? LOL.
You have 7 DAMNsals now ..I think you can get 4 more.

sinner's girl

I like damsels.... and they are CHEAP! And, They are HARDY! Plus, they are much more active than clowns, or so these guys are...I loved my clown but she just stayed on one side of the tank, these guys are in and out of the lr, chasing each other and just cool.
We've moving in a year so we don't want to invest in other fish that cost more and have them die in the move.
Thanks for the fast responds.


Active Member

Originally posted by Salty Cheese
1 inch per 5 gal and that's fully grown size, not the size that you buy them at.:yes:


salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by killafins

Oh ya, I almost forgot.
Originally posted by ViPeR_930
1 inch of fish per 5 gallons of water.

Oh, and this, in reply to killafins
Originally posted by Bang Guy

So tell me a better way to explain to a new hobbiest that freshwater densities will not work with saltwater? You need 1 or 2 lines that are easily understandable. If you go into a detailed discussion you're going to be misunderstood or ignored and their tank may fail as a result.
I'm all over your "research" answer. I agree that the needs of every animal needs to be researched. But how do you research population density? Where would I go?
So, treat me as an eager new hobbiest that wants to fill a 55 gallon tank.

Research, I like that idea.


Active Member
Later we discovered that me and Bang guy were agreeing on the same thing but discussing two different topics.
He was saying 1 inch per 5 gallon biologically wise which is a very HEALTHy standard to have. Although more fish like puffers and lions break the rule, it is a good start.
I was discussing the inch of fish per 5 gallon in regards to sociology wise.

sinner's girl

that's fully grown size, not the size that you buy them at
Yes I know, I'm not dumb. I've had a big damsel. Though I don't expect these guys to live long enough to get that big.
Read all of it plz, not just that guideline.
I'm very well aware some fish need more room, why do you think I don't have a tang? I'm not a newbie. I'm just keeping damsels, no other fish, just damsels.
So I have at aprox max size: Domino Damsel: 4 1/2 inches, Yellow Damsel 4 1/2 inches, Yellow Tail Damsel 5 inches. 1x4.5 + 3x4.5 + 3x5=33 :thinking:
75/5=15. Given this, I do not have room for four more if I plan on keeping them all in the 75gl tank. But I also have a 55gl which will set up after we move. I doubt these fish will get that big in a year.
I don't know if these sizes are correct though. I found Yellow tail and yellow max size 3 and domino 6 inches. 6x3=18+6=24, I'm still good given these numbers.:rolleyes: