how many inverts

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
what would be the max cleanup crew for a 58 gallon??
How many hermits, snails-- what else would you suggest?
I have 3 peppermint shrimp now, could i add a cleaner and a fire shrimp??
My sand gets a little brown sometimes, what about fighting conches? I know they get big but i could find someone to take it once it outgrows.


Active Member
Most inverts such as red legs, snails etc carry very little bioload and I know people have armys of them! I havent got enough for my 75g, if I were you I would aim for 20 super turbs and 10 red legs or so? They would do a cracking job! :D
All the best,
Tim :cool:


I'd go for more hermits than what timsedwards suggested. I've got that many in my 29 gal! I'd definitely add the cleaner shrimp and an emerald crab (or two). 20 turbos is a good start.
You can also add in stages if you get your critters locally. Buy a few, then add more as needed.
I've seen on this board other posts that suggest 1 - 1.5 "janitor" critters per gallon, but others say it's better to aim for 1 per lb. of LR.


Active Member
i go with th e1 cleaner per gallon rule and it takes care of problems. I personally like to go with more snails than hermits. margaritas, astreas, trochus, cerith and nassarius snail will atttack just about everythign, sand rock and glass. hermits, i only go with scarlets, cause everythign else is just too nasty! peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, emerald crabs, brittle/serpent/sea stars, sandsifting stars/cukes, theres a lot of options as well as sandbed critters such as spaghetti worms, bristleworms, etc, that all make up and ideal clean up crew, and its a good idea to have as diverse a selection as possible to make sure that the battle is beign fought on all fronts!
good luck

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
right now i have about 15 turbos, prob 20-25 hermits, and 3 shrimp. Im going to add a cleaner and a fire shrimp soon.
Would emerald crabs bother anything in my tank?


Active Member
while theyre they get older...maybe. some people say that adult emerald crabs go after fish! i personally have never seen this behavior, but imagine it could happen!
good luck

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
well i dont want that then, I dont want to have to dig something out of my tank down the road. What about fighting conches?? Will they mess w/ anyone????