How many is to many?


New Member
How many fish is to many for a 55 gallon tank? I have plenty of live rock in there. Current list of fish that I have is: 2 clowns, blue hippo, yellow tang, firefish goby, and a orange tail damsel. I plan on stopping here. All of my fish are small. Yellow is the biggest around 2 inches long. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Do you plan on upgrading later? Hope so. Your tank is too small for even one tang, I would say you are at your limit, if not over it. I can tell you that I have a yellow in a 75 (soon to be in a 180g) and he is way too big for it. But if you upgrade later before they get too big, they will be ok for now. I just wouldnt add anymore fish....

scott t

Active Member
First off I want to say Welcome to SWF. Second a 55 gal tank is to Small for those tangs, the Yellow Tang should be in a 100 gal or more and the Hippo should not be in anything less than a 125 gal. This is because they need lots of swimming room and with a small tank they will become very aggressive. The other fish are fine for a 55 gal tank and The damsel will become very mean that's why most call them the "Devil Fish", they have been know to bite you and draw blood and to harass other fish. I would say you are at your Max in your tang right now with the tangs, but if you got rid of them and the Damsel you could put 4 or 5 more smaller fish in the tank.

scott t

Active Member
Well we know that is not the answer you were looking for but its the truthful answer. If you care for your fish then you should either 1. Upgrade fast to 125 gal tank or larger or 2. Take the fish back to the store and get something else that will work for a 55 gal tank.... Sorry we have disappointed you...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mind83 http:///forum/thread/381549/how-many-is-to-many#post_3324294
The Tangs are the coolest fish I have... Not the answers I was looking for. Sad face.
Welcome to the site, while the answers you have been given are not the ones you wanted they are the truth. Do you have plans on upgrading? If not, then I would recommend rehoming both tangs. Then I would consider some size appropriate fish for the tank. I would also consider getting rid of the damsel (these guys are just downright mean). A better stocklist could be the clowns, firefish, dwarf angel (I like the lemonpeel and flame), a small goby, a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma.


Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/381549/how-many-is-to-many#post_3324338
Welcome to the site, while the answers you have been given are not the ones you wanted they are the truth. Do you have plans on upgrading? If not, then I would recommend rehoming both tangs. Then I would consider some size appropriate fish for the tank. I would also consider getting rid of the damsel (these guys are just downright mean). A better stocklist could be the clowns, firefish, dwarf angel (I like the lemonpeel and flame), a small goby, a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma.


New Member
I don't have plans for upgrade just yet. I would like to master this tank first before I make a bigger investment into a pricer tank. I am still learning and want to make sure I'm not going to kill everything first. How long do you think I could keep the Tangs? The Blue Hippo is just a baby probably not bigger than an inch. Like I said before the yellow is the biggest fish I have and is maybe two inches long. I forgot to add that I also have a PJ Cardinal. I don't know if this is weird or common or not but since I added the Hippo the yellow and him have bonded. They are swimming together. Thanks for everyones help.