How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?


garbage can full of live rock? Hey, it harbored fire worms.

30 fal fresh
20 gal fresh
55 gal fresh - blood parrot

I took most down during the move and now I have
75gal reef
30gal - slowly converting to reef for my mother
55gal fresh. That blood parrot has way too much personality to get rid of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
225 mixed sps reef
28 gallon nano seahorse reef
120 tall folwr
28 gallon seahorse sold yesterday

120 g aggreesive given to my ex boss


Ok so I wasn't always into salt water.
When I was under 18:
5ea 20 gal FW for feeders
125 gal Piranha tank
65 gal FW Shark
15 gal FW planted
40 Gal tall Piranha tank
As an adult:
15 gal eclipse with FW angel fish
55 gal oscar tank
39 Gal FOWLR (first salt water)
60 ltr Nano (new)
54 gal corner reef
460 ltr that is sitting my basement waiting for me to build the stand
and I'm looking to get a 200 ltr pony tank.


everything imaginable, salt, fresh, brackish, cold, tropical
the only thing i never had was sharks, mudskippers and rays
oo and i never had an octopus
what i like the most? im drawn to cichlids for some reason, african, american, it dont matter :D, second would be soft coral tanks

coral keeper

Active Member
This is what i have right now.
2 gallon Freshwater HEAVILY planted shrimp and snail farm
8 gallon Saltwater bio cube reef
10 gallon dart frog terrarium
25 gallon Freshwater heavily planted tank
120+ gallon Freshwater turtle pond
120+ gallon Freshwater gold fish pond

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, I began this hobby with a 20 long fresh water set up . After my baby daughter was born , I decided to start a 38 gallon saltwater aquarium. After it leaked, I upgraded to a 45 gallon saltwater aquarium . After it leaked ,I upgraded to a 75 gallon saltwater aquarium . After nearly 8 years, my 75 caught a leak under the bottom and a friend wanted it . So I gave it to him and I upgraded to a brand new 150 gallon saltwater aquarium which I presently have . I've been in this hobby for 17 years and I'm enjoying every moment of it .


180 3 Oscar -sold

55 Breeding pair of jd-sold

55 OSCAR-sold
29 reef
20 soon to be reef
3x20 fry tanks-sold
15 swordtails fw -sold
30-FW angels- gave to my 12 year old
The only tank that I really wish we kept was the 180.I loved my O's more than any fish I have ever kept liked them more than saltwater tanks.Had to move to Va from Ga now the wife whats to move back to Ga


My DTs were a 29 and a 55 (which was mostly Discus and Angels), and I had (don't laugh) 67 10s to raise the Black Lace Angel fry which came from 3 breeding pair.
July 28, 2007 My local ***** was getting rid of its display 90 so I bought the works: tank, stand, sump, lighting, LS, LR, and 11 fish. That's when I caught the disease. ICH wiped out most of the livestock when I shortcutted my own QT rules for a 7" Naso. So I've started to rebuild. Now I have:
4 10s and 2 20s...all are QT tanks.
90 FOWLR w/
1 Goldflake Angel
2 Lineatus Fairy Wrasses
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
3 Bangaii Cardinals
1 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Purple Firefish Goby
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Blue Damsel
Various Inverts
55 In Transition
This tank was to be my agressive tank but in the new new gameplan (I've modified it frequently) it's destined to become a thickly planted refugium plumbed to my soon to be new reef. Right now it contains:
1 Snowflake Eel (staying)
1 Adult ultra-agressive Damsel (probably staying)
2 Clarkii (mated pair...the female is 4-5") (moving)
1 6" Purple Carpet (moving)
1 14" Green Carpet (moving)
NEW TANK (450)
No residents yet but the Clarkiis will definitely move (along with their Carpets) and I have in quarantine
1 Powder Brown Tang
1 Desjardinii Sailfin Tang


Active Member
Do goldfish and betta bowls count?

We has freshwater tanks when I was a kid, just don't remember much about them. I know a friend of my dad's raised bala sharks and gave us some at one point.
Since starting saltwater:
12 gallon nano
55 gallon reef
180 gallon reef in the works
20L frag tankfrag QT in the works
10 gallon QT
Still considering the 37T seahorse tank, but the 180 setup goes in first....that one is going to take a while.


right now i have:
90g reef
75g freshwater planted with community fish
46g freshwater with lake tanganyika cichlids
10g quarantine


Active Member
I've had tanks all my life. My parents had saltwater before I was born. I've had all the freshwater tanks and bracish.
Started my first saltwater Jan 2007 55gal FOWLER, In March started adding corals and now it's a reef.
25 gal hex with 2 erectus WC fillies
5Gal fresh hex for live ghost shrimp feeders( horse will not eat frozen
240gal Out on porch will be set up after the first. Have to get the new wiring finished first.

I'll have to stop and just maintain there. My kids keep telling me I love my tanks more then them.


Active Member
10G community,
15G angel tank (which later became a breeder tank when 2 of my angels mated)
10G QT

20G long FOWLR
29G reef (well working on it
5.5G anemone isolation tank (for 3 months)
10G QT


Active Member
39 years of keeping critters in glass cubes....I can't begin to count.

I do remember some really awsome anemones I used to collect in Southern Spain (Rota) back in the early 70's that were olive green with pink tips. I have never seen them in the aquarium trade however.



Originally Posted by alix2.0

20G long FOWLR
29G reef (well working on it
5.5G anemone isolation tank (for 3 months)
10G QT
anemone iso tank and it interests me very much. I have a very healthy 6-7" purple carpet which was hosted by a pair of very large Clarkii (the female barely fits in it). In anticipation of opening day in my new tank I bought a 14" green carpet (I couldn't pass on it for $40) and released it into the same tank as the purple. When I released it to the 55 I noticed a few small pieces of flesh exited the bag with the anemone. It ate a few krill almost immediately (one of my major signals of good fish health) and was extraordinarily mobile (it lapped the 55 twice before settling down). But it's still losing little bits of flesh and looks like it's losing body mass. I'm considering moving it to a QT along with 10 gals of its own water because in a tank ANY size I don't want anything that big dying and fouling the water (I've started 5 gallon DAILY water changes). Any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
39 years of keeping critters in glass cubes....I can't begin to count.

I do remember some really awsome anemones I used to collect in Southern Spain (Rota) back in the early 70's that were olive green with pink tips. I have never seen them in the aquarium trade however.
A little googling and BAM... found one.


Active Member
i would say as long as you keep up on the top offs and water changes for the 10 gallon it it will probably work fine. when i did mine i had to top off at least once a day because of the fluctuations in such a small amount of water. i did 1 gallon water changes once a week with water from the DT. i also ran carbon the entire time the tank was running.
with a carpet i would be concerned about proper lighting in the iso tank, because you wouldnt want to stress it even more and cause it to bleach. i used PCs for mine, but youll need stronger ones.
let me know if there was anything i forgot, sorry i cant be that much help. my tank was super ghetto.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
A little googling and BAM... found one.
wow thats awesome! whats it called?


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i would say as long as you keep up on the top offs and water changes for the 10 gallon it it will probably work fine. when i did mine i had to top off at least once a day because of the fluctuations in such a small amount of water. i did 1 gallon water changes once a week with water from the DT. i also ran carbon the entire time the tank was running.
with a carpet i would be concerned about proper lighting in the iso tank, because you wouldnt want to stress it even more and cause it to bleach. i used PCs for mine, but youll need stronger ones.
let me know if there was anything i forgot, sorry i cant be that much help. my tank was super ghetto.
I can't do much about the lighting but I can put it atop a column of LR to reduce the distance of water the light has to pass through? I can run into ***** and get some carbon to throw into the filter. I guess the water flow from a HOB filter will be enough...a Koralia 3 would be too violent for a 20, I think.
Hey! I could move the iso tank (it's on wheels) it front of the window to supplement the lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Calvertbill
I can't do much about the lighting but I can put it atop a column of LR to reduce the distance of water the light has to pass through? I can run into ***** and get some carbon to throw into the filter. I guess the water flow from a HOB filter will be enough...a Koralia 3 would be too violent for a 20, I think.
that all sounds good, you might want to do 1 cheapy powerhead low in the tank just to keep detritus suspended. are you going to use sand or bare bottom? i would be concerned about the anemone moving lower in the tank, as they dont always stay where they should. but if you can get it to stay at the top, and use decent lighing (i have no idea what that would be, sorry) i think thatd work fine.