How many kittens....


Active Member
Are in this picture?

Not really all that hard, just thought it was cool to see a ball of kittens.


Active Member
Can you find them in this picture? Hint, there is actually one less in this picture, it was playing behind the door.


They are so stinkin cute. That's how they get you. They start manipulating early!!
Awe, they're so cute we should get one. No, no, we better get two so they can play together.
then they keep you up all night, get hair on your counter tops, scratch everything under 12 inches on the floor..
crazy kitties.
I like the orange ones best though. They are the cutest!
...from here
oh and 7 woulda been my guess...


Active Member
That is why we are fostering. Get 'em while they are cute and send them packing in 6 weeks..... until my girl tells me she can't live without one and give me those Puss in Boots eyes.


Puss in boots eyes!! how funny.
Never heard that one.
remind her, hair, fleas, nails, nocturnal, OMG, HEAT!!!
But if your gonna give in and keep one, keep the orange one..haha


Active Member
You mean this one? But it is a 2 headed cat!!!!! Maybe that is why you are off on your count of the kittens.


Active Member
There are 6 kittens in the first picture and 5 in the second. The best part is that even at about 4 weeks old they are using the litter box....


Active Member
So can y'all guess how many kittnes are in this picture?

Here is another one to make it a little easier, the one in back is a little hidden in the first picture.

And Oh how they do love the warmth of the lap top......

They could sit on it and surf the web for days......


I have three. On is a bit large to be a cat, but he seem to think that he is.The window was open, but the screen was down. I took these pics of my THREE cats. Aren't they cute
In the second pic I was outside looking in. The kitty in the middle still looks happy


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
So can y'all guess how many kittnes are in this picture?

Here is another one to make it a little easier, the one in back is a little hidden in the first picture.

And Oh how they do love the warmth of the lap top......

They could sit on it and surf the web for days......
LOL did you use reef glue to get those kittys to sit still for those pics.Thats amazing.


They are sooooooo cute I love the pics!!!! Wish I lived closer and would add one to my collection. They are just so cute!!!


Active Member
Sep, the funny part is how happy your cat in the middle looks, and how annoyed you other two cats look.
BTW the kittens have now found the joy of a paper ball. Finally they have stopped beating up our shoes........


Active Member
How many kittens are in this picture???

Yep that is right there are two.

The second one was in the kleenex box.