How many kittens...


Active Member
The kleenex cat needs to be sent to Kimberly Clark. They would LOVE it.
Those are darling kitties but...........Ahhhhhh Chooo ! I would be a mess after about 20 minutes of loving on them.


Active Member
Well the question is, how many kittens can you fit into a kleenex box, the current answer is 2 (No I did not put them in there)
For those of you that are allergic, it is not the kittens that would get you at our house, it is this 14 (and growing) pounds of goodenss that would make you sneeze.


Active Member
This morning I found Fred watching the little ones.
Then I realized why, they were escaping........


Active Member
Looks like Fred has set a trap for them. He is on the box and whatever that thing on the floor is......well, he is hoping it will shoot those kittens back in their room!!! How well does Fred tolerate all those kitties?


Active Member
Crash, With the last batch of kittens we fostered we literally would wake up to the pitter patter of little feet. 5 kittens chasing each other as fast as they can. So watching a bunch of kittens chase each other around, that is one of the good things in life. (Although I am glad that we can lock them in the closet and closde the door)
LTS, Fred started hissing the second the little ones came in the door. The were spooked. Her and Stanley would even his at each other. I would tell them they should get along since they are sisters, but you know cats, they just don't listen. After a week and a half they have gotten to the point where they can tolerate the little ones. Although right after I took those pictures Fred started pawing at the kittens, so it was game over at that point.
That thing on the floor is the scale. As soon as they register 2 pounds it is off to the shleter for them to find their new homes.


Thank you so much for all the kitty pictures! They are enough to brighten even the worst of days (I've had a couple about a week ago); I logged on once or twice specifically to look at the first pics you posted. I can only imagine how much noise 18 kittens can make if they are chasing each other! One alone can make quite a racket ... and I still have no idea why cats seem to think 3AM is the perfect time to play.


Active Member
i wish i could have em but theyve put me in the ER and i almost died both time had an iv and oxygen sux! the doctor yelled at my dad for not calling an ambulence and if it wasnt for me asking to go to the hospital who knows where i would be...^^^


Active Member
LTS, Fred will do anything to get rid of the intruders. When we first got them she would jump on my lap, smell the kittens, hiss and jump off.
C11, I take it you are allergic to cats? So yeah it would be a good idea if you did not come over to my house.
Laurie, thank-you for the kind words, sorry you have had some bad days. This picture is just for you.


I've had a horrible week and this just made me smile. I love the kleenex kitties especially! Makes me miss my old job.


Active Member
They ae cute.. I wish my eyes did not swell shut along with my throat when i get near them...
My friend had a cat I dunno the names of cats being allergic kept me from getting close enough to someone to ask the kind.
Anyway, it had long hair and he shaved it into a mohawk on the back and around the head etc he left it bushy it looked like a bad mother sucker and I always wantedd to be able to have a cat but again toss one on my lap and you can toss me into a box right after..


Active Member
Kiki, you are only about an hour away. Come on down and I can loan you about a half dozen or so.


Originally Posted by Scotts
Kiki, you are only about an hour away. Come on down and I can loan you about a half dozen or so.

I'm sure my dog would not appreciate it.