How Many Lbs. of Live Rock Needed


New Member
I have a 25 gallon tank with 13 lbs. of live rock. I want to keep corals. Do I need more live rock? I do not want to put too much because i plan to get fish and I do not want my tank crowded.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member
The rule is 1-2lbs a gallon so you would be alright if you brought that 13lbs up to about 25lbs. If you go to a LFS where you can check out the sizes and shapes you may even get 1.5lbs per gallon in there and it not look to crowded.
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: DAN THE MAN ]


I'm using 1 1/2 lbs per gallon in my 135. And may add just a little more, to fill in a few open spaces.


The live rock i got is quit aira (sp?). I have 75gal w/ 80lbs and change of live rock and it is packed. The last time I got rock I got lost of smaller ones to build up the back and hold up my big ones that have neat stuff growing on them.


One thing you have to remember is the rock is not just for decoration, but is used as a filter. I have 90lbs in a 55 gal tank with a DSB and a Berlin skimmer. I have a couple filter pads in a wet/dry but thats for filtering large particals out of the water. My rock is my main filter. Yes the tank looks full but if you have ever been snorkeling you would see small piles of rock scattered about the sea floor. That's what my tank looks like. One of these piles.
Anyways, If you add more rock, watch you trates. If you use bio-balls with LR this can cause you trates to go up.