How many Leopards?


It was a regular blue damsel with a orange tail. A mean little

. I couldn't understand why the shark didnt eat it. I took care of it though.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by SaltFisher
It was a regular blue damsel with a orange tail. A mean little


I set up a tank for my parents friends, and his blue damsel was a psycho little

............ he's living in the fuge by himself now.


Was it a regular blue devil damsel, or one of the blue damsels with a yellow/orange tail?

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by SaltFisher
and a clown trigger .

Keep a close eye on him. Let us know if it works out, I love triggers.



Originally posted by tony detroit
Keep a close eye on him. Let us know if it works out, I love triggers.

It's only a matter of time till you have problems with that combo Saltfisher. Not a matter of if, but when. I'm not entirely sure even the most passive of triggers can be trusted long term. But a clown? IMHO, that's a sure thing.


Daniel411: I think you stocking list sounds good, all added slowly, and perhaps a few less damels. I say that because all the messy (small) food you'll be feeding the tangs and damsels, in addition to the waste produced by the sharks, could put quite a strain on your bio filters. That's just my opinion though. It could work out just fine.
I dont think you'll have any problems with, or have to quickly replace the damsels. The leopards will only pick off the sick or injured ones. I dont think they'll hunt them down much. Not saying it cant happen though.


LOL, thanks again for all the help. I think I'm more excited about getting this tank than my first home!
Regarding clown triggers,
I recently read an article that Calfo(I believe it was him) had written that although a small/young trigger may be peaceful and a community fish. As they age/grow they will get more and more aggressive. He also stressed "clown triggers" in the article. So be careful as it grows. They are cool fish though!



Originally posted by tony detroit


LOLOL The Godfather:) hehe That's why I come to these boards... cheer me up after a long day.