How many lionfish?

jonny bolt

Whatever you do dont just feed your Dwarf one or 2 things for a long time. I kept my first Fuzzy Dwarf on what I thought was a decent diet.....krill, frozen silversides, and live brine shrimp. He got big, but not full size, and I had him about 8 months. Around the 7th month he went on hunger strike. He committed suicide lol. He lasted about 4 weeks then died. I would vary the Lions diet as much as possible. I just got another Fuzzy, and want to get a Zebra to go with it, and I will not make the same mistake twice. Along with the stuff listed above, I feed em live Ghost Shrimp, clams, and anything else meaty I can drop in there.
You could definitely keep 3 or 4 Dwarf Lions in a 55 if thats all the livestock that will be in there. You'd be throwing alot of meat and crap in there though, so alot of LR and some bottomfeeders would help with "waste management". lol
Deb, your Dwarf is definitely a female.


Active Member
Thanks Jonny Bolt....Her name is "Sexy Lexie the lionfish"....

I was pretty sure I had a female but wanted to double check.
You mention adding variety to their diet, I totally agree with all fish that their diet should be varied. But....mine had never had live and I don't want to start that as she is eating the brineshrimp, krill, mysis all frozen stuff. Do you know if they would eat bloodworms?
You mention the clams etc, what about fresh scallops etc? I just don't want to add anything live since she is eating so well the frozen foods and had never had the live foods.

jonny bolt

Anything meaty and moving is good. My new Fuzzy is getting comfortable in the tank already, after only 2 days he is recognizing and attacking floating silverside chunks krill, and had another live Ghost Shrimp. If your Lion is already eating frozen foods, then I wouldnt worry about giving him a live treat every week or 2. Lions, like most predators, love moving prey. Even if its frozen chunks of long as its floating and moving around etc, a healthy lion will react. Live brine are a good treat, but really shouldnt be considered as a "main course" for a Lion...if all a Lion will eat is live brine, that means the Lion is terribly hungry lol. Scallops would be a nice variation too. Chunks that the fish can get in its mouth and that are dancing around the tank are sure to be gulped up. A "rotating diet" with lots of variation over every several weeks is my plan. Remember, its best to try to mimic a live treat wont be bad for a fish thats already weened onto frozen stuff


New Member
I have not been on here for a while (family things). I think I have desided on the fuzzy dwarf. They are just adorable.


Originally Posted by pinkfish
I have not been on here for a while (family things). I think I have desided on the fuzzy dwarf. They are just adorable.

Great choice... Ours is going on 3 weeks in our tank and doing wonderful :) He eats almost everything there are a few things he dislikes! But he's flourishing and very friendly :) Comes up to tank all the time when we walk up to beg for food. He's getting along great with our sharpnose puffer and our clown fish :)


New Member
I can't wait now but I will now most likely have to wait till spring to get him. (I desided to keep my horse at the same stable and it's a bit more then I planned) do you have pics of your fuzzy?


Originally Posted by pinkfish
I can't wait now but I will now most likely have to wait till spring to get him. (I desided to keep my horse at the same stable and it's a bit more then I planned) do you have pics of your fuzzy?
Oh you have horses!!! Neat, I haven't had any since I was a kid! I haven't taken pictures of my tank in over a year... Soooo maybe tonight after work I'll try and take some to post for you. We'll see how they come out!


Active Member
Originally Posted by pinkfish
I have not been on here for a while (family things). I think I have desided on the fuzzy dwarf. They are just adorable.

Good choice....
Mine also begs for food when ever i walk over to the tank... and he worships the "Blue cup of goodness" (a solocup that i use to thaw out frozen foods.....)
Hes been in there for almost 2 mts now... and hes great!