How many more fish can i add??


24 Gal nano cube, 35lbs live rock, 2.5" live sand
2 Nassarius snails
3 Hermits
2 False Percs
1 diamond Goby
1 Brittle starfish
1 cleaner shrimp
3 Cerith snails (which i never see!)
I'm going to go reef after the tank has been established for 4+ months and after i get better lighting.
I wanted to add a lawnmower blenny or some blue reef chromis.
1 Hawaiian Spotted Puffer? (How are these? On the site it says they're peaceful and reef safe it says monitor?)
I also would like to get a couple more nassarius snails and a few more hermits.
If i add another fish or 2 will that bee too many for my tank and will i still be able to do a reef setup later on with this load?


I dont think you should add any more. IT sounds like you are maxed out too me. Also, I think lawnmower blennies need a larger tank than a 24 gallon. And I am pretty certain that a puffer would not work in your tank either. SOunds like its time for a bigger tank!


Originally Posted by sac10918
I dont think you should add any more. IT sounds like you are maxed out too me. Also, I think lawnmower blennies need a larger tank than a 24 gallon. And I am pretty certain that a puffer would not work in your tank either. SOunds like its time for a bigger tank!

yea thats what i was thinking. this is my first tank so i want to get a little more experience before getting a bigger tank.
how bout more clean up crew? it would really help algea and stuff.


this is my list
2 clown fish
royal gramma
dwarf lion and maybe 1 more fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
this is my list
2 clown fish
royal gramma
dwarf lion and maybe 1 more fish
surfin, this list is way overstocked in a 24.
turbonerd, if you plan to do reef, I would not add any more fish. You could definitely add some more snails and hermits, but I would not add any fish. LMB's need MUCH larger tanks, as they often starve in small tanks. Dwarf puffers usually get too big for nano tanks. When you do go reef, you will want a ligher bioload so that you can control your water quality with ease.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Do you have any pictures of your nano..? Im curious on how it looks.

no but i'll take one tonight. been meaning to take one.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz

turbonerd, if you plan to do reef, I would not add any more fish. You could definitely add some more snails and hermits, but I would not add any fish. LMB's need MUCH larger tanks, as they often starve in small tanks. Dwarf puffers usually get too big for nano tanks. When you do go reef, you will want a ligher bioload so that you can control your water quality with ease.
so would i have to get some of my fish out? before starting a reef? or is it ok with what i have now?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No, you are absolutely fine with what you have now.
ok thanks lion_crazz you are so very helpful!!! i appreciate all the advice you have provided me directly and indirectly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbonerd
ok thanks lion_crazz you are so very helpful!!! i appreciate all the advice you have provided me directly and indirectly.
No problem, I am ALWAYS very glad to help!!