How many name their fish?


carshark - Thanks :joy:
I found this thread because I was researching and reading information last night about elephant ears. Before I post, I try to make sure I search a couple different ways before I post to eliminate duplicate posts. Even if my question is similar to someone elses thread, I will just add to that.
In that search, I came across this and since I am rediculous about my animals and I do name everyone, just about - I had to respond to this one. Plus the more posts I make, the more emails I will get from the forum when there are updates. I often will mark a thread to be emailed to me on updates, even if I don't post. I just love this site. I visit several times a day. It has been a wealth of knowledge source for me. And I have great friends out here.
angelsrock - I have had the same experience a couple times where I named something and had it die, I began to fear it was bad luck. But you know something, I changed my mind about that. I still think each animal is special and deserves a name, no matter how long it lives. Plus, if you have someone else in your house that is almost as familiar with the tanks as you are, it helps to specify the animals name when mentioning them (ie., brady kids ate today and are looking well"). It makes it easy to refer to them by their own special name, rather than the rhodactis.
Name your animals and talk to them every day - it makes a difference.
For my 7 Oscars, they know our voices and I believe they know their name - or at lesat when we are talking to them, even if it's across the room. The more you talk to animals, any animal - the smarter it gets.
I once had a German Shepherd that was eary. She was extreemly smart to begin with, but she knew one heck of a vocabulary because she was smart and we talked to her all the time. For example, when she wanted something from us - she would sit in front of us and stare, patiently. But it was obvious she wanted something. We would ask her, what do you want Heidi, do you need to go outside? If that wasn't what she wanted, she would continue to sit and stare at us. We would guesse at a few other things...still sat. Then, we ask - do you need water? She then bolted out to the kitchen, and sure enough her water pan was empty. That is awesome.
Especially with dogs, everything I do I mention using the same words - they learn.
I also think that fish are alot smarter than people realize. The more you relate with them, the smarter they get.
Just like they say in human minds - we only use a small percentage of our potential minds capacity for knowledge, I believe the same is true on a smaller scale than it is for humans, for all animal life.
I even named my habiscus plant on my porch and I say hello to it every day. It is green, thick and growing. Water and quality soil of course helps. But he also knows he is loved and cared for.
I think one of the smartest fish in our house is Ipo, our dogfaced puffer. He has learned to communicate with us and he knows that we understand. It is more body language and motions rather than words that I think he associates, but maybe it's words too.
When he wants something, he will swim up and down the tank and flutter his fins fast. Of course, many times he wants food. Other times, he is just happy to see us and is socializing. Although, one night - he tried to communicate with us that he wanted us to turn out the pole lamp that is near his tank. He swam up and down verticaly in his tank on the side that had the pole lamp. He showed his teeth in frustration, swam facing the light and I asked him, Ipo - what do you want, go nanite? We turned out the lamp, he calmed his frantic swimming and settled into a nook to sleep. He is too cute, what a button, he often turns a couple times in a circle, like many dogs do when they are getting comfortable to lay down. He is a very special soul.
I even talk to the fish in the lfs - can't help it, I just believe they all deserve a name along with all of the quality care that we all discuss and strive for on this forum.
My motto - never have a living thing nameless. Would you want to be? If there is such a thing as reincarnation, we too could wind up being a tang....un-named.


Well i'm personally glad you dug it up, because i have names for all of my fish too.
Perc - Nemo...i named him...I LOVE THAT MOVIE, and i'm 22, so it's ok carshark...
large lawnmower blenny - Grandpa (he's got fuzzy eyebrows and fat dangly cheeks)
small lawnmower blenny - scooter (he scoots around the tank)
black & white heniochus - Yuffie (hubby's a final fantasy fan)
yellow watchman goby - Tex (from red vs. blue - 10 points if anyone's seen this...)
cleaner shrimp - Pepe... dunno why...


Active Member
Hey Diane
I just read your post and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Every living thing should have a name. Each of our fish got his or her name chosen very carefully. They each have their own personality and quirks. They come to the tank at feeding time and the Yello Tang likes to be handfed. Each has his or her own favorites foods and dietary requirements. IMO I don't see how you can spend this much time with a living creature and not grow to love it so you may as well give it a name. Also at times as I am sure everyone here will agree this can be a very labor intensive hobby and also a bit frustrating. The naming part is part of the fun and enjoyment for us. BTW we also had a Niger Trigger named Denise, but that was earlier on and now she has gone to The Great Fishbowl In The SKY.
RIP Denise


Active Member
Izzy - Green Spotted Puffer RIP as of Sunday :(
Miyake - Izzy's brother (most likely)
Other than that my freshwater tank is Oscar (an Oscar, imagine that) and Jack (Jack Dempsey) and the rest of my fish are not named. I don't have a camera.

dr. evil

grumpy= coral banded shrimp
manny, mo, and jack=yellow damsels
pepi= gone but not forgotten pepermint shrimp
HUGH MUNGO=one of my hermits
Bonnie & clyde=four stripe damsels
and of course
Mr. Bigglesworth=blue damsel


We have Jaques the coral banded shrimp
chompers - the lawnmower blenny
itty and bitty the green chromis
squirt the black domino damsal
Flo the royal gramma and
spikers the brittle star
How could they not have names - they cost as much as kids and require just as much attention!!



Active Member
yep we do the same thing
hippo= tubby
algea blenny= chomper<-- seems to be a common blenny name
purple fire fish= flickey
clown fish= charlie
ALOT of clown fish larva= pain in the a $ $
we have a few others but they dont really have an offical name.


anemosis (false Perc) , chocolate starfish aka

, Turb (turbo Snail and i dont know what top name my yellow tang


Active Member
I'm guessing if they had an award for least inventive names I'd win.
Clownie Jr. - False perc clown (Clownie Sr. died unfortunately)
Bluey - Blue Damsel
Tangy - Yellow tang
Scooter - Scooter blenny
Lenny - Lawnmower blenny (unfortunately he died recently)

sinner's girl

We name all fish, some inverts.
We've had, FIB, Double sided, the groupies, Angel, Stitch, Little Bit, Yellow, Hosa, Wan, Andre, 1 fish, 2 fish (a few times I think), Huey, Duey, and Luey =fish


New Member
Ok, here's mine:
Blue Tang - Dolly
Gold Stripped Marroon Clown - Sunny
3 Green Chromis - The Chromis Boys
Coral Beauty Angel - Sandy
Copper Banded Butterfly - Spot (My wife suggested Spot and it thought that was so ridiculously funny, that I had to name him that.)

Banded Sleeper Goby - Dragon (The LFS had him mis-marked as a Dragon Goby, so I called him Dragon. After I found out what he was, the name had allready stuck.)
Yellow Watchman Goby - Lemonhead
Green Mandarin - Mandy



Nemo & Marlin (clowns)
Jacques (cleaner shrimp) Yes my wife and I like the movie and we have no kids :hilarious
Fronko (peppermint shrimp)
Benney (LMB)
Just a 30 tall soon to upgrade to a 120 for a while so I don't have alot of livestock other than the clean up crew.


Active Member

Originally Posted by diane4
- Thanks :joy:
Name your animals and talk to them every day - it makes a difference.
For my 7 Oscars, they know our voices and I believe they know their name - or at lesat when we are talking to them, even if it's across the room. The more you talk to animals, any animal - the smarter it gets.
I do have to agree with that. Just like my freshwater tanks, my parrot fish will ONLY come to us when we sit beside the tank. I found that out when I had a friend over and she pointed her fingers on the tank and they all scattered to hide, but when I do it they all come to me. We have 3 freshwater tanks, too many fish to type all their names on my saltwater fish aren't even afraid of me, I can put my hand in the tank and they would come to my hand thinking I'm going to feed them. :happyfish


Maroon Clown - Memo (as pronounced by my 3 yr old son
Blue Damsel - Blufish (named by my
Coral Banded - Jacque (spelling not right)
Blue legs - Hermies
dxtr - :happyfish


Well, i don't know if this counts, but i just bought a 35g hex... i only have the tank right now, but eventually i'm going to get some seahorses... Going to name a mated pair Mork & Mindy...