How many of you run Fluvals, and why?

Just like the topic says, how many of you all run fluvals in your reef tank and why? I currently am having a problem with stuff floating around my tank, kinda looks like dust particles. Im trying to figure out a way to get the water crystal clear. I have a fluval now but im not sure if i want to hook it up or not, since they might be nitrate factories...
Thanks a bunch for your help..


Yes hook it up an put nylon fulff in one of the chambers and it will work alright on a reef tank. I run a 304 and 404 both on a fresh water 90 and ver good bang for the buck.


I don't think Fluvals are all that bad depending on what you are using them for. They do take a bit of maintenance though. If you are worried about the Nitrates rising, then take out all the media and do what Dirtybilge recommended, put in some floss filters in the compartments. Could also use it for carbon, phos-gaurd, etc. if you didn't have a sump. It will clear up your water pretty well. Infact, I was temporarily using the 404 off my 90 gallon as extra physical filtration on my new 300 while it cleared up after adding sand. Good Luck


I run a Fluval 304 on my 45 and am very happy with it. I've had it about 1 1/2 years. The multiple internal chambers allow lots of flexibility for filter media. I bought mine because I had a little Skilter and a phosphate problem. The Fluval allowed me to use a phosphate sponge.
I don't know where you heard that Fluval's were nitrate factories but I've never heard that. I guess any filter, if not properly maintained, could become a "nitrate factory".
As I said, I'm pleased with mine and my water is crystal clear.


I run a Fluval 304 on my 55G..
and doing a good job..well have to change media..and clean lazy...........haven't done that for 9month..


New Member
I have a fluval 404 on a 55 gal reef. I have two trays of the ceramic bio media and I run floss in two others in addition to the filter sponges. I do have 1# per gallon of live rock in the tank, however I have not had any issues with nitrates. I do a 5 to 10 gal water change per month and change floss and generaly clean the fluval every other month. I do wrinse one of the two trays of bio media with cool tap water alternating trays with each cleaning. It seems to work just fine.


i run a 404 on my 75gl and like it alot, easy maintenance and great flexibility if haveing specific filtration problems like high nitrates. originally planned to have a FO tank but changed that and now i run a ecosystem hang-on as well with no plans to remove the fluval. just curious here, but i keep reading people refer to things as nitrate factories, my understanding is that nitrate is a product of biological filtration and needs plants or waterchanges to remove it, am i misinformed at this basic level?


Actually new, many people say that these type of filters as well as wet/drys are nitrate factories not nitrite. The standard cycle is Ammonia then nitrite then nitrate. Live rock and live sand as well as plants such as those possibly in a refugium can help eliminate or lower the nitrates in an established system. Water changes will also lower your nitrate level, but your best bet (in addition to water changes) is to add some type of natural filter (LR,LS,Refugium).


I have been running my fluval 404 for about 2 years and havent done a water change in over 6 months. All I do is run the sponges for debris, and ocassionally a phosphate sponge or charcoal to clear things up. wringing out the sponge is about the only maitenence i do on it. As far as being a nitrate factory... My fluval is full of copepods and sponges and that type of stuff, so i would say no to that one. Nitrates always test 0. :D


thanks CW thats the way i understood it, already have LS, waiting on calupera for refugium, and the going to start real slow with LR and make this sucker as naturally filtering as i can.