How many of you through corals out?


I have a bunch of kenya trees and i mean a bunch! i have tree forest that takes up the whole left side of of 55 gal and been grabbing frags from other areas of the tank and throuwing them in my frag tank. dont want to through them out,but lfs (bout a hour away) wont take them for credit but will take surrenders no other local reefers are interested so what do ya think i should do with them??? any thoughts?


I just threw out about 30 red mushrooms and some yumas that were just growing out of control. had a water bottle laying around and in they went. felt kinda bad and wish i had a frag tank but i don't really have the room.


Ongoing problem with most tanks I see. Healthy tanks with lots of growth. My LFS told me that he would have the same problem if he took all of his customers over growth. I think a lot of it was lack of knowledge on my part when I set my tanks up the first time. I can tell you that I would not put any of them in any new tanks.


Active Member
it's like that for me with green star polyps. It grows like crazy and attaches to live rock to the point that it ruins the rock or I have to fw dip it to kill it off.
IMO we should always try giving, selling or trading before throwing out. Given the criticism of the hobby by some who feel we are pillaging the natural reefs, we should, at the very least, make a minimal effort to support the efforts of sustainable captive growing. This is where local reef clubs become a huge benefit.
That said, I couldn't find anyone that would take my GSP even for free, I had no choice but to toss a bunch of it.


i agree that we should make a effort to find the corals a new home! but now adays it seems people are only looking for frags of sps and some lps.
I did call the lfs again and they will take them as a surrender no credit... i will give them to them no problem but the thing that gets me about doing that is i buy alot of things from them and last time they had kenya trees on hand they wanted 40 bucks a piece and they cant even give me a little bit better price on some corals?? (sorry just venting) i would be happy if they would sell me some corals at cost or even a little over cost. just give me something to make the hour drive there worth while! if i was only looking to get rid of a couple trees thats one thing but i have some where around hundred of them to find homes for. thats some big profit for them and there pockets..


Active Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
I did call the lfs again and they will take them as a surrender no credit... i will give them to them no problem but the thing that gets me about doing that is i buy alot of things from them and last time they had kenya trees on hand they wanted 40 bucks a piece and they cant even give me a little bit better price on some corals??
IMO they should give you something... The LFS I used to go to would give me 1/3 retail. It wasn't much, but it was something.
That said, if they won't give you anything, it's better to give it to them if for no other reason than it'll help build you some social capital. One day you might be able to say "Hey, I've given you $100 worth of .... how about $10 off this coral..."


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
I have a bunch of kenya trees and i mean a bunch! i have tree forest that takes up the whole left side of of 55 gal and been grabbing frags from other areas of the tank and throuwing them in my frag tank. dont want to through them out,but lfs (bout a hour away) wont take them for credit but will take surrenders no other local reefers are interested so what do ya think i should do with them??? any thoughts?

Something fishy in Fox Lake Illinois will take all the coral for in store credit you want to get rid of. He said that the coral has to live 5 days after being given to him and if it is healthy you will get whatever credit is negotiated for. I know yo live about two hours from me.


Two of my lfs will give me credit for xenia and kenya trees, they never seem to have them in stock.


Active Member
wow, my bare empty tank would love mushrooms, yumas and xenia.
Do you have a reef club in your area, you could at least give them to new members that have none.


If you can't get rid of them local, I'm sure there's alot of people on here that will gladly pay the shipping cost to get some of these.
Kenya trees- mushrooms-yumas-green star polyps----I'd be willing to pay the shipping as i'm sure others would. . Let me know what shipping would be to 18517. Shoot me a Pm and let me know Thanks.


Active Member
I know you can't trade on here but there are some very popular sites that you can trade or sell stuff on... yeah kinda dissappointing that stores won't take corals in -- they'd rather buy from their wholesaler (which I don't have a problem with) and then charge 40-60 bucks per piece when I'd be willing to get rid of some for store credit.
What I do once or twice a year is have a coral sale on C-list and clear out my frag tank or trade with fellow reefers. During the other part of the year I grow my gardens :)


Idk what I would do if I were you LOOPY.
I would feel very guilty throwing out corals, but I just would not let them sell a frag for $40 that they received for free. They should give you something. That is so greedy and selfish of them. But then it would also be selfish of you to throw them out when you know they would take it.
That's a hard decision. If I had a choice, I wouldn't shop there anymore. I'm guessing you don't have much of a choice though, since you drive 1 hr to get there.
I would have been willing to buy some kenyas if I hadn't already bought a frag from C-list. Try selling them there, it shouldn't be hard. Or try the BAY. Just sell for 5$ and let them pay shipping.
I think you should try talking to the owner/manager. Explain to them your situation. You have frags that you are willing to give them, and you know they will make a serious profit. Tell them to give you $5-10 per frag in credit. They can sell it for up to $40, an 800% profit. At the same time, you will use that credit, and likely spend more than the credit is worth.
Or you can tell the manager you can take your frags elsewhere. Any business owner will see that it would be pretty silly not to agree.
You can even give him a "sample" and tell him to see how much he can make.
And I would give him extra if he does agree to do it with you, just to keep a good rapport.


I would love some yumas.
If you do decide to sell/ get rid of them, let me know.
I wish didn't get rid of classifieds/selling. I think that was a bad move.