Hmm... I had a mango margarita the size of a bowl of soup, a few shots of Patron (king of all tequilas!), 3 or 4 36oz blue hawaiians (something involving vodka), and champagne of course... all well below my limit, and I woke up feeling great!
No hang over here . I do feel very sleepy. I went to bed about ten was woke up by fire works at midnight .then got back up at 2 to go to work. now that good times fellas
Originally Posted by Madman133
amanda are you really mrs. aw2 or does it just say that because you like him? Where do you work at mitzel(grave yrad shift sucks!)
Hmm... I really do have to change that member title. It causes a lot of confusion. I'm a girlfriend, not a Mrs, and I'm moving to Chicago in April. Lol... I'm nobody's Mrs. yet.