how many people


Active Member
have successfully kept a flame angel with xenia i know all about the 50/50 picking at the corals thing but was just curious because i love xenia and have been vary successful at keeping it until recently when i bought a new piece and my coral beauty who doesnt harm any corals except for xenia started to nip off all the fingers so i am considering trading him in for a flame angel and was just wondering what the success rate was


I had problems with my coral beauty niping my leathers and polyps so I traded him in a couple days ago. I have heard that flames have a better success rate with corals and I am also thinking of trying one. Has anyone had any bad experince with them?

the claw

Active Member
Coral Beauty and Flame, and niether has picked at anything. Now I'm about to go clam, so fingers are crossed.


New Member
I have a flame & cb, neither of them bother any of my xenia, clams, sps ,lps & softies. Like you said it's a 50/50 shot if they are going to pick on anything. A local reefer just tore apart his tank to catch a flame, it picked on everything in his sps tank.


Active Member
i am basically going to have to rip my tank apart to catch him but i am adding a couple more lbs of lr prob. about 15 or so so i will have to arrange it any way
thanks for the ffed back
a fellow reefer