How many popwerheads and heaters do i need?


I am just setting up my new 180 gallon fish only tank with live rock, and need some help with poerheads and heaters. As far as powerheads, how many do i need, what brand and strength should i get, and where and how should i position them in my tank. And as har as heaters, how many, what brand, what power and where should I put them in my tank. Thanks everyone, happy holidays.:)

mr . salty

Active Member
That's a big tank,so alot of circulation will be needed to eliminate dead spots.So you will need at least four powerheads.
My favorite is the haggen 402's.They are big,powerfull,last a lifetime,and are fully adjustable...Place two in each rear corner,one on top of the other with the toptwopointing to the center of the front glass.These topones should also create a ripple across the waters surface for added airation...
The other two(bottom ones) can be pointed across the tank to the opposite front corners.
After they are in place the rock work can be adjusted to hide them as needed.
For heaters,you would be best off with two or three low powered ones instead of one big one.
This is for several reasons.
#1,if the one big one ever was to stick in the on position,your tank will quickly overheat and kill everything in it.By using two or three smaller ones,when one malfunctions the other two will shut off as the temp rises,this one small heater will take quiteawhile to overheat your tank.Thus buying you valuable time to catch the problem..
#2,Multiple heaters will eliminate cold/hot spots in the tank.
Placement depends on a couple things.What kind of filteration do you have???If you are running a sump,this is the best place to put at least one of them...Then put the others in the corners behind the powerheads...


Sump is a good place for one, if you have internal overflows then that is where I would place the other one(s). If you have to use one in the main tank I would buy the Won Pro heater, no glass.

mr . salty

Active Member
I would definatly put one 200-250 watt in the wet/dry.Just be sure it is totally submerged.Then a smaller(150-200) in each corner behind the powerheads...
Setting them to maintain proper tempcan be easily done in a five gallon bucket of water.
Just put one at a time in the bucket with a thermometer,then check and adjust the heater up slowly every hour or so till it is at 76deg.Then take it out and put it in the tank.
Once one is done,then repeate the process with the other two.
This sounds like a bit of a hasstle to just set a heater,,,but consider the alternative.Trying to do it in 180+ gallons of water.Believe me,a five gallon bucket works much better and quicker...


I agree with Mr. Salty but I would like to interject one thing for consideration. Powerheads give off a fair amount of hear as do your lights. I found I had to turn off both of my heaters and still my tank is at 82/83 deg 24/7 so you may want to take this into account.


Ok well it sounds like you guys are recommending me to get 4 power heads for my 180g. I think I am going to go with maxi jet's but what power maxi jets should I get? Man, I sure wish I could use only 2:(


To do away with some powerheads just use a good pump on a spraybar. If you go with the Maxijets and like to save power use the MJ900 instead of the 1200 as the 1200's are energy hogs.