How many Power Heads do I need?


New Member
I have a 55 Gallon Tank with a canister filter, a protien Skimmer and one small power head that does not move much water. I need to know how many I need and where to place them


Depending on how much LR have you and which model pump you have now and what type of tank is this 55? If very little LR and F/O tank, two maxi jets 600`s would do it.


New Member
40 to 50 lbs live rock, Dwarf Lion, Two True Percullas, 2 3" Sea Horses (have not figured out what kind yet), one sailfin Tang, one Cleaner shrimp. Also 10 Hermits, 16 snails and 2 emerald crabs


Active Member
Never had sea horses but I thought sea horses needed to be kept in a seahorse only tank. Maybe someone else wants to chime in on this one.
As for the power heads I think you want 15x turnover. Basically take your tank size x 15 = the gph you need.


New Member
I was told with the sea horses as long as there was no compitition for food, they would be ok, and so far that has been the case. The Seahorses have already had Fry.


New Member
It has been very dificult figuring out what fish that don't really eat Mysis shrimp. The Dwarf Lion has no intrest, the Clowns do a little but I keep them occupied with other food and I am able to feed the Horses with a baster. I don't know a whole lot either, but this has been a $60 experiment that has gone well so far.


Active Member
I've only seen one LFS (local fish store) that has everf carried them. Probably because they are hard to keep. Sounds like it's working ok for you. I hope you continue with succes.