How many ppl use tap water?


Hey, I'm just curious as to how many ppl on this board actually use tap water to fill their tanks.
I'm just curious, not trying to start a big thing about why you shouldn't use it.. I just want to know how many ppl do.
Also, if you have any pics of your tanks to show off ...let's see 'em!:happyfish


Active Member
i use tap water i just add amquil to it. seems to work good for me. but ive heard lots of people say its not the best :nervous: Todd


Tap water for me.. i kill all the crap in it with AmQuel+ and top off about every two days..
I will probably continue to use tap water for the fact that ten years ago reef tanks and such didnt have ro/di water available... and they had some gorgeous looking tanks..


Now I am curious... Do you guys have reef set ups or fish only??


I also use tap water with additives and top off with bottled water. I have had the occasional algae outbreaks though.:yes:

jimmy g

And the suppliments you are putting in the water isnt killing much....all its getting rid of is the clorine. There are a lot of different things in tap water that are not good for your SW tank such as Hard Metals, and Phosphates.

jimmy g

And unless you like algea, you might want to switch to RO/DI water, or you can also lug around Gallon jugs filled with distilled water :rolleyes:



Originally posted by Jimmy G
And unless you like algea, you might want to switch to RO/DI water, or you can also lug around Gallon jugs filled with distilled water :rolleyes:

i just got through with the lugging distilled water:rolleyes:
and since i havent used tap water i dont have any more bad algae outbreaks or cyano. but you cant beat the price of tap water. just not worth the risk in my opinion if you want to have all that expensive stuff in your tank.


I too use tap - - - I know its not the best, but for now thats the best I can do. I hope to upgrade lights this christmas and hopefully get RO DI for my birthday.


Active Member
I did use Tap but switched to distilled then RO/DI. I saw big improvements and I feel better putting hundreds of dollars worth ofcorals in my tank knowing that they won't get wiped out because I didn't want to spend the money for better water. I have copper pipes so somehow I dodged that bullet.


Active Member
Copper kills inverts and can get absorbed by LR and substrate, though I have read that older copper pipes form a coating that prevents copper from getting in the water. I've had no problems and I've had a fully stocked reef for 2 years.



Originally posted by Jimmy G
And unless you like algea, you might want to switch to RO/DI water, or you can also lug around Gallon jugs filled with distilled water :rolleyes:

Actually, i like the look of different kinds of algae that can grow.. i dont mind cleaning anything up when i dont like it..