How many Royal Gramma?


I've read that in larger tanks you can have more than 1 Royal G, I hav a 90 gal reef and would like 1 or more, but how many can I put in there? Will they School or mark their territory and stay away from eachother?
Also I have a tomato clown will there be any problems between them?


dont get 2. get a group of atleast 5, then they will school. i have a royal gramma, he likes to be a bit terittorial, but nothing serious. no aggresivness really. get 5, a school of 5 will look awsome. its a 90gallon u have the room.


Active Member
Grammas won't school as far as I know. Only way to have more than 1 is if they are at either end of tank and don't meet.


if anyone here has done any research at all you would know as well as i do that royal grammas will only get along along if it one male and a group of females.


OK, If you want to talk about research...This kinda goes against your thinking. This is from the vendor site I have purchased from in the past, and what also lead me to start this thread.
I am interested in responses from people who ACTUALLY have EXPERIENCE with more than 1 Gramma...
The most coveted of the basslets, the Royal Gramma Basslet or Fairy Basslet is beautiful. The front half of its body and head are a bright purple to violet, while the back half is a striking and vibrant yellow. It is an excellent choice for a reef aquarium, and since it remains small, is perfect for small reef systems.
A single specimen should be housed in a minimum of a 30 gallon tank, while a school requires at least 55 gallons to thrive. Because the Royal Gramma Basslet is a deep-water dweller, it prefers caves and extensive rockwork, as well as a somewhat subdued lighting arrangement. When housed in a group, the male will usually be larger than the female. It can become territorial with time.
As a carnivore, the Royal Gramma Basslet will do well on a diet of meaty fare including marine fish, crustacean flesh, mysid shrimp, and quality frozen preparations.
Any one else have any input?


that's exactly what i said except i forgot to say size of tank sorry but otherwise my research proves right


The way I understand this is over 55g, you can have more than 1 and they will school as long as 1 is male and the rest female...
Or are they like Clowns where the fish go through a "--- change" to preserver the order of dominance...


I am looking for anyone who has experience with more than 1 gramma in a tank. I have always heard that you could only have 1, but this seems to change that way of thinking. If you don't know the answer, please dont waste time posting....


i had 3 of them in a 180gal for the most part they got along fine, a little fighting between them here and there. they did not school at all each one found a territory and tried to keep it.
recently lost 2 of them one dissappered never to be found and the other started to get harrased by my flame angel. took me 3 days to find it but it got stuck in a rock crevice and died, had to break the rock to get it out.


sorry about your fish sebae0:( . what a terrible way for a fish to die. you put the live rock back in the tank right?


yes i did put the rock back in the tank, and i was suprised to find that he got stuck. just proves anything can happen.


If u have more than 5 grammas i am sure they ll school expecially if one of them is bigger. sebae0 's tank is very big and he has 3 RGs so they have enought place to have each homes but in a 125 or less gal tank, w/ 5-6 or more Royal Gramma, u ll have a good school but try to put one bigger because bigger ll be the male and smaller ones ll become females