How many Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp


How many Scarlet cleaner shrimp should I get get for my 75 gal tank?Can I keep Fire shrimp in the same tank?


Active Member
yes you can mix cleaner and fire but so you know fire shrimp are a type of cleaner shrimp
i think 2 cleaner shrimp would be nice for that size tank


How many of each species of "Cleaner shrimp",both Scarlet,and Fire can I have If I keep them In the same tank?


depends on other inhabitants in the tank. How much will you be feeding. They are great scavengers and very opportunistic eaters.
Fire/Blood shrimp are ususally more shy than cleaners and won't chill in plain view.

nm reef

Active Member
I currently keep a pair of scarlets and several peppermints in a 55 display. They will move to the new 100 as soon as its ready and I plan to add a pair of fire...they should get along fine...I avoid coral banded though ... they can be problematic with other species of shrimp.:thinking:


I have a pistol shrimp,5 peppermint shrimp,5 emerald crabs,30 astrea snails,5 baha snails,yellow tang,naso tang,blue hippo tang,6-line wrasse,royal gramma,watchman goby,true percula,false percula,and a clarkii.I feed the tank flake food,algea flakes,and hikari bio feed( kind of a cross between pellets and flaks), 3 times a day.