How many snails?


New Member
Ive heard that each species does a different thing, like one will sift through the sand, some are better at cleaning rock versus the glass. Can you very knowledgable people clarify which ones do what? Thanks for the help on how many. I have a total of around 10 of 2 kinds so far & when/if some die off I want to know more about what ones do what. Kim


Moderator rock(at least mine do too)
Nassarius and cerith...sand
turbo....algae rock glass whereever


+1 to all of it. You want to have a balance of sand/rock/glass cleaners.
There is no real set solution to your cuc (as you can see from the responses lol). Best bet is to start small and work your way up cause you don't want to throw in a bunch and then they starve and die.
I personally like trochus in place of astrea mainly because they can right themselves.
3 trochus
5 nassarius
1 Turbo (< these guys are like the cows of the sea and eat a lot)