How many T-5s Would you Do?


If I didn't want to buy MH lighting (which I am anyway), how many T-5s would it take to have a Maxima or Crocea clam, and how many would it take for medium level SPS? What wattage (I know this isn't as important)? And what Mix would you do on type, how many Daylight vs. Actinic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz
If I didn't want to buy MH lighting (which I am anyway), how many T-5s would it take to have a Maxima or Crocea clam, and how many would it take for medium level SPS? What wattage (I know this isn't as important)? And what Mix would you do on type, how many Daylight vs. Actinic?
What size tank? Dimensions?


Active Member
It would only take one T-5, or maybe even 0, as long as it had a METAL HALIDE bulb or two next to it that was running and supplying light to the clam, then it would probably be fine.


I know that clams are almost completely dependent on MH after they are 3" or more, what im asking is if you had nothing but T-5s how many would it take?
The tank is a 30g Finnex (24"x18"x17")(Not yet still saving).
(I plan on ordering the 250 watt Mh and 2x24 watt actinic combo)
But my dad thinks a MH lighting would run up the electric too much so he wanted to know if I got a ton of low uptake bulb, how many it would take to get the same results.


Active Member
300 watts of T5s vs. a 250 watt pulse start ballast? I don't get that one. Problem is their Zooxanthellae structure - is it more expensive even if you were to go with less then 300 watts of T5s to most likely replace the clam once or twice a year then to run a 250 watt ballast? Besides that, it is just something where most likely there is no definitive answer. You can't grade a clams light needs based off of the size of the clam (I should say in most cases). The lighting needs based on the amount of zooxanthell that it may need to keep fed would vary from clam to clam. Why risk it? You are still in the same wattage range even if you pump the T5s through the roof.
Maybe look into Squamosas.


Ok thanks it was just an idea I was sort of throwing out there. Its probably was cheape anyway to replace 1 MH bulb at 60$ rather than 6 T-5s at 20$. I was going to order the clam pack off of ***********.com, but I only want 2 clams so ill buy from someone on the live fourms, so I don't have to steal one of those beauties from the ocean.


O and my LFS had a great Blue mantled Squamosa clam but they wanted like 120$ for a 5" one is that good or bad, some guy sold it to them so It the first one Ive seen in there.


I thought it sounded overpriced, I feel bad for the guy that bought t, it wasen't there yesterday. How much would a Blue Squamosa 4" sell for, I want one but that sounded overpriced (yay me).


Of and why were on the subject I was thinking about getting a Blue Squamosa, a Gold Teardrop Maxima, and a good Blue Maxima. You think thats ok for the tank size. I know I can keep good calcium levels and stuff.


Active Member
For a thirty gallon I would pick 1 and just go with that. I am selling a bunch of them in the "Live Selling and Trading" Forum that I bred myself (pitch). You can check that out if you want. I only recently acclimated teardrops though.


I would because I like to buy from fellow aquarist but I don't even have my tank yet so sorry but Ill keep you in mind for when I get it
Originally Posted by candycane
For a thirty gallon I would pick 1 and just go with that. I am selling a bunch of them in the "Live Selling and Trading" Forum that I bred myself (pitch). You can check that out if you want. I only recently acclimated teardrops though.
You might want to examine this guys pictures because I think he photo shops them.

JK he's OK to deal with


Active Member
Oh i'm not going anywhere, at least I don't think, LOL. Anyways, I have a small batch laying around most of the time. Several of the ones that people won't buy will still be laying around and most of the time have colored up by then. There's still dozens just sitting in the tidepools and eating all the phyto that they want. I got one that is completely brown all the way around, that thing will probably be in there for like a year, HAHA.


Hey Im going to mark your name because I saw TurningTims Clams and they are freakin beautiful. Your should give yourself a pat on the back lol. Is that a tidepool there in? How long have your been raising em? Do you use chemicals to induce spawning or do you just let it be natural? WOW!! Hey got any good pics of a Blue Squamosa? Ive seen one and there amazing. Also just so I can calculate into my budget, whats shipping to 78633 on those? Im not ordering but I just wanna know.


Active Member
I don't know what shipping will be down the road, with gas prices and all. I've been raising them for quite some time, it took me years and years and years to figure out HOW to breed them. I will see if I can get any pics of the blue Squamosas, but none of the Squamosas are ready for the tidepools yet.


Active Member
Thank you for the compliment! yes they are great and candy deserves all the credit!
I have 4 clams now the 2 in the pics and a Crocea and a Derasa. I run only T-5! 6x54w Tek light. 4 bulbs overdriven with a 660 Ice cap ballast. I'm getting 311w out of the 4 and then 108 for the other 2. So 419w T-5 on a 55 gallon works just fine!

These pics are from a year ago!
BTW candy did you forget me?



Active Member
The derasa i'm not surprised. The Crocea I am absolutely STUNNED that it looks like that after being under only T-5s for a year Tim - that is just WOW!!! That clam must have the widest ZTS system on the planet, LMAO.
Edit: UH-OH, you can see the ZTS system. If you look REALLY closely at the mantle Tim, look REALLY close; see the way you can sort of see it like it looks like veins in the mantle and in some of the spots where it comes together it is even a lighter gray in those areas - you MIGHT want to keep an eye on that. You have to look REALLY close though, focus on the darkest parts of the mantle on the crocea (the veins are slightly gray lines).


Active Member
Sorry I guess I didn't explain very well. Those pics are a year old! They were taken a couple of days after I got them! I'll wait until my lights come on full day and post pics of them now!