I had to go get salt. LOL
Anyhow, you should be able to judge this one. Clams turn darker and darker when they need to absorb more light in the areas that are brightly colored and would have currently been reflecting it. Which do you think looks more colorful, when you purchased it or now? Then the areas where you can see the rather large markings that were turquoise, rather then growing in size, they are more of going away. Then there are the spots right behind the outer brim of the mantle, the "pimply" looking blue ones from the first picture. It doesn't appear that there are many left, but that may just be the flash again.
See the white that looks like it’s developing around the outside of some of the turquoise circles on the clam? The white areas in the crevices of the mantle and the around the outcurrent siphon are all pretty normal most likely. That is where it receives the least amount of light. The ZTS veins got closer together while the clam got larger as well. I am not in front of the tank, so wouldn’t be able to judge if it was darker in color on the black parts, from the picture that was taken a year ago and today. I keep looking at the small white spots that look like pin pricks that are on the loop of different sections of the mantle.
I’m not at all stunned that it made it a year under that much wattage of T5s. I would have been stunned if the first picture of the clam was taken after a year under T5s though.
Is that the GIGANTIC deresa, LOL?