How many T-5s Would you Do?


Active Member
I am still stareing at the picture, LOL. What kind of light was it under where you got it from? I REALLY want to see the pics of what it looks like now.
No you said it right, I just misread it.


Active Member
419w of T5 over a 55 good God, I'm running 270w on mine and SPS and clams at all levels are doing fine.
To the OP. 4-6 individually reflected T5 bulbs would be enough. The tank isn't that deep.


Active Member
OK candy I know you're just going nuts! Here are 2 pics I just took. These are both in morning light still (very blue) and one is with a flash.......
I haven't compared the pics yet so it should be interesting!
Pics really aren't that good either!



Active Member
I had to go get salt. LOL
Anyhow, you should be able to judge this one. Clams turn darker and darker when they need to absorb more light in the areas that are brightly colored and would have currently been reflecting it. Which do you think looks more colorful, when you purchased it or now? Then the areas where you can see the rather large markings that were turquoise, rather then growing in size, they are more of going away. Then there are the spots right behind the outer brim of the mantle, the "pimply" looking blue ones from the first picture. It doesn't appear that there are many left, but that may just be the flash again.
See the white that looks like it’s developing around the outside of some of the turquoise circles on the clam? The white areas in the crevices of the mantle and the around the outcurrent siphon are all pretty normal most likely. That is where it receives the least amount of light. The ZTS veins got closer together while the clam got larger as well. I am not in front of the tank, so wouldn’t be able to judge if it was darker in color on the black parts, from the picture that was taken a year ago and today. I keep looking at the small white spots that look like pin pricks that are on the loop of different sections of the mantle.
I’m not at all stunned that it made it a year under that much wattage of T5s. I would have been stunned if the first picture of the clam was taken after a year under T5s though.
Is that the GIGANTIC deresa, LOL?


Active Member
Yeap thats the BIGGUN'
Honestly that pic is really bad. You're right it is the flash b/c there's just no white in the mantle as far as I can see and the "pimples" are a bit fewer but not as drastic as the new pic.
I will say that you're right the turquoise spots have gotten smaller. But I really should have done some measuring then and now. It looks much bigger to me now. It could be the change in camera or I did change the bulbs themselves so.....
Maybe I'll move some of the whiter bulbs up front. I also have better luck taking pics at night so I'll give that a shot!
How much growth can you expect out of a clam?

Thanks candy
I keep learnin'


Active Member
There really is no guarantee as to how fast they will grow. I have seen Croceas grow two inches in a year, that's the reason it's hard to judge by a picture.
This is what I am talking about, it's kind of like multiple-imaging to get different affects and different results. Look at the FRONT right of the picture of the Crocea - see how some of the turqouise spots that are larger, in about 3/4 of an inch from the lip almost look white because the flash is off compared to the other turquoise ones? There appear to be 3-4 larger ones right there on the front right. And then when the flash is used, they just look like regular turquoise spots only with a small amount of hue, almost like an egg with a yolk inside of it.......Those are the spots that I am looking at (outside of the pinprick sized ones).
From what I have noticed the ZTS system of SMALL clams will be rather thick like in the above pic but the veins will be further apart but being able to handle a larger supply of zooxanthellae right..... If a clam gets larger and the veins of the ZTS are becoming constricted and very close together; well what happens if a person has arteries or veins that are constricted or even clogged from lack of size?
These are just several of things that I look for when I am purchasing a clam that is sick or even healthy if I just 'HAVE TO HAVE IT!!' LOL.


Hey candycane if your still reading this I just was wondering if you had any FTS of your tidepool and the remaining clams. I think since you dropped so much coin into one you should show it off. Also, what type like brand food do you feed your clams? Or do you go with natural plankton from a refugium or something? Have you heard of or used CoralFrenzy? I saw a thing on it in the annual magazine and was wondering iif anyone had tried it out?
Also you should be ashamed, making me stay up all night thinking about your clams, looming on the edge of my mind

No but seriously I love your clams,


Active Member
Have any who with that what now? I don't know what an FTS is, you mean photos? There are tidepool pictures floating around here somewhere from when I had a HUGE alga bloom in the tank. Show off the tidepool that I dropped so much coin on? I did that awhile back, just click my name and hit view posts and go back about a month.
I am extremely picky about my foods (not saying that the others aren't great, I just have my favorites) and go with Tahitian Reef Blend, you can go google it and most likely the place that makes it will pop up. I don't even know where they are. I use Coral Frenzy all the time. The guy that runs the place is cool as he$% too. I am actually wearing a Coral Frenzy T-Shirt right now, AHAHHAHAHA, seriously (had to wear it to paint my FREAKIN U-BOLT PLATES FOR THE 12TH TIME!!!!). If you go to the website, the protein and fat content are just really high (around 50% for fat and 20% for protein it might have been, can't remember.) plus the micron range is phenomenal.
I usually mix 3 tablespoons of Coral Frenzy with 5 tablespoons of Cyclop-Eeze and fill a normal sized clean salad dressing bottle with tank water and mix it all together, shake it, and let it sit in the fridge for 3 days. Then I dump it into ice cube trays and turn it into about 44 cubes or so. Then when I feed the tanks or tidepools, I shut off the filtration and stick one of those YUMMY cubes to the bottom or top of a powerhead (I wouldn't recommend doing this though). It sticks to the inlet where the water enters and slowly melts; throwing it all over the tank. During the day I mix 2-3 drops of Tahitian Reef Blend with a cup of tank water and feed that.
You should see how the remaining 5-6 are fairing, it's just ridiculous how they have changed.
Here's a little clam for thought for ya.

They're all just chillin and eating food. These are the ones that no one wanted to buy except for the second one. See in the crocea how you can't see the ZTS lines at all though? The second one was sold and the rest are just cheesed off because I left the flash on (the reason they're gapeing), then I had to wait for them to re-open. I like the third one down because it keeps getting more and more green. STUPID LIL CLAMS! Eating all my food.


Originally Posted by candycane
Have any who with that what now? I don't know what an FTS is, you mean photos? There are tidepool pictures floating around here somewhere from when I had a HUGE alga bloom in the tank. Show off the tidepool that I dropped so much coin on? I did that awhile back, just click my name and hit view posts and go back about a month.
I am extremely picky about my foods (not saying that the others aren't great, I just have my favorites) and go with Tahitian Reef Blend, you can go google it and most likely the place that makes it will pop up. I don't even know where they are. I use Coral Frenzy all the time. The guy that runs the place is cool as he$% too. I am actually wearing a Coral Frenzy T-Shirt right now, AHAHHAHAHA, seriously (had to wear it to paint my FREAKIN U-BOLT PLATES FOR THE 12TH TIME!!!!). If you go to the website, the protein and fat content are just really high (around 50% for fat and 20% for protein it might have been, can't remember.) plus the micron range is phenomenal.
I usually mix 3 tablespoons of Coral Frenzy with 5 tablespoons of Cyclop-Eeze and fill a normal sized clean salad dressing bottle with tank water and mix it all together, shake it, and let it sit in the fridge for 3 days. Then I dump it into ice cube trays and turn it into about 44 cubes or so. Then when I feed the tanks or tidepools, I shut off the filtration and stick one of those YUMMY cubes to the bottom or top of a powerhead (I wouldn't recommend doing this though). It sticks to the inlet where the water enters and slowly melts; throwing it all over the tank. During the day I mix 2-3 drops of Tahitian Reef Blend with a cup of tank water and feed that.
You should see how the remaining 5-6 are fairing, it's just ridiculous how they have changed.
Here's a little clam for thought for ya.

They're all just chillin and eating food. These are the ones that no one wanted to buy except for the second one. See in the crocea how you can't see the ZTS lines at all though? The second one was sold and the rest are just cheesed off because I left the flash on (the reason they're gapeing), then I had to wait for them to re-open. I like the third one down because it keeps getting more and more green. STUPID LIL CLAMS! Eating all my food.
Do you have pictures of any black ones???????


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishy PA guy
Do you have pictures of any black ones???????

I'm priming up the tidepool again to lob a couple more in there. Should be later tonight or first thing tomorrow hopefully. Right after my morning coffee


Active Member
That was pretty much a full tank shot with two foot long clams in it.
I don't think i'm allowed to say where I buy my food. I think that's against the regulations of this board.