How many tangs can you have in a tank?


How many tangs can you have in a tank, not of one specie, but of all different species. Can you have a Naso, a Chevron, a purple Sailfin, a blue atlantic and clown tang all in one tank if it is a big tank, such as 225 or 250 gallons?


Active Member
300 gallon maybe, but those babies are gonna get pretty big, I would think that maybe a 250 is not quite big enough. Others might disagree, but JMO.


of tangs can live together in a large enough tank, if you limit it to just two or three different ones. Thanks for your advice.


Active Member
IMO, the ones on your list will do fine together in that size tank for quite a while as long as there not full grown when you get them. The Clown Tang can be a problem though, I would scratch that one.


Do you recommend another tang that would be ok or should those four be plenty? can you have 2 Naso tangs in the same tank if one is a male and one is a female?


How blue atlantics should be on a tank together? Three? How big do blue atlantics get? What size tank would you need to have blue atlantics?


Active Member
i wouls say for any school of three or more you would need 300 gallons or around there..ive only saw atlantic blues school with 30 or more of their kind so i dont know if they would school with only a few.. they get 12 inches and also the fish you see on here for sale will change gis color..when young their yellow i belive , then to the blue stage and ive also seen brown striped ones.. they change colore with mood sometimes as well.. im looking for a school as well but IMO i would never get them evan though their gorgoues fish


Active Member
I think you could throw in 3 Yellows, a nice splash of contrasting color. The naso and sailfin are the only large species on the list so far. But many smaller species to choose from.
As with all tangs, none are easy and very tricky getting just one to survive but I think ( respectfully ) that the ABT is just as hardy as most and can be kept without others of its species as long as you get one around 3 to 4 inches and not a baby one. I doubt they would get 12 inches ever in an aquarium, JMO. Maybe 8 inches at the most.
This all goes without knowing how muture and healthy your system is and if its set up right to house tangs in general with lots of hideing places as well as open swimming areas, ect.