How many tangs ?


I am about to upgrade fom a 55 to a 125 and was wondering how many tangs could go ito a 125 ? I would like to have a Naso, hippo,purple and a couple yellows. Is that possible ? Thanks

darth tang

Active Member
No. You will have fights, which lead to stress, which lead to ich outbreaks, which lead to more problems. You can have multiple tangs I would say two possibly three, but the CAN NOT be of similar shape.


thanks. I know that there should be only one yellow but I was at ***** yesterday and they have at least a dozen yellows in one of their tanks. I dont get it, I would think that they would be fighting.

sinner's girl

NO, no tang in a 55gl, let alone two. I don't know about the Dogface Puffer or Lionfish.
edit, sorry, I missed where you said you were upgrading to a 125.


Naso in a 125 isn't a good plan long term.
I'd say a set of 3 small yellows or purples would do okay. But you'll want to add whatever other fish you want (hopefully not too many) first. Agressive tangs such as yellows or purples do not tolerate newcomers well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tanksrus
what about putting a Naso Tang, Yellow Tang, Dogface PUffer, and a Lionfish in a 55 gal.?

Naso is like a 150+gal Tang


hey what kind of tang can go in my 30g tank. Ive read somewhere that a certian tang needs a lot of room is that with all tangs? Is there any tangs that I can get??


Active Member
Originally Posted by viper44901
hey what kind of tang can go in my 30g tank. Ive read somewhere that a certian tang needs a lot of room is that with all tangs? Is there any tangs that I can get??
No tang would be good in a 30....sorry.


Active Member
Definitely no tang in the 30g.
While a yellow may be suitable short term (say a couple of years) in a 55g, the Naso is definitely not a good choice. For your other selections, you may wish to research in the Aggressive forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1BigBoy69
I would say Naso, Hippo and Purple Tang would be good in a 125gal.
No on the Naso, unless it's real small, and only for a year or 2.