damn i thought i was nut. guess i am normal afterall. dont know how i find the time w 2 little kids running around. i am starting another tank in the next few weeks.
When I was in college, I had a 180 folwr, a 45 community, 30 community, 20 convict ciclid tank, 4 10 gallon tanks with whatever minnows ect, and a 5 gallon snail propagation tank.
92 Corner
100g frag
54 Corner
24 Nano
All reefs. Making 2, 96 X24 X 14 Frag tanks. Few old pics, most tanks have filled in a bit. The 54 corner (one with lots Xynia) now has 100 LBS more rock.
I have 29 gal. reef, a 20 long in the process of cycling and becoming a Mantis tank, and a 5 gal. empty that will most likely be turned into a frag tank
90 FOWLR & a few 'shrooms
55 bad boy tank
450/670 Reef-to-be
2x20 + 4x10 QTs
If I didn't need to seek out a shrink for all the above, I also breed racehorses...sick, sick, sick...