How many times have you been asked...


Active Member
So, I have been gone awhile. Moved 2 times had a baby. Now it is that time that I want to set my tanks back up. I am only setting up my 46 bowfront. Since I have my house up for sale I dont want to set up any of my bigger tanks. So...
If you could start from scratch knowing what you know now, what would you do different???? I have ideas of what I want to do, but I would love to hear from my fellow hobbyists what you would do differently if you could.


I would have somebody more experienced help out with my plumbing... this has been a mess...


Active Member
1) Spend the money up front on good stuff so you don't have to buy twice.
2) Failsafe everything.
3) Quarantine everything.
4) Not use CC.
5) Buy a bigger tank.
6) Don't buy damsels (most).
I'm sure there's more...


Active Member
I had a damsel that killed everything in my tank, I can totally relate!!! Thanks for the feedback. I had multiple tanks and moved and had to break all my tanks down. It has been about 2 years i have not had a tank and it is killing me. I want to put my 400 back up but that was a p.i.a. to move. Since my house is for sale I am putting up my smallest tank. That alone is killing me. lol