How many use QT ????????


I see lots of post where people put there fish straight from the store to thetank. I'm wondering how many of us use a QT?


I've never used a qt before, but I plan on purchasing a Hippo tang so I am in the process of setting up a qt for it, as I have heard about their ich problems.


Active Member
i have a 10 gallon qt/hosp. tank. It is set up but i don't always use it. If I buy a health specimem then there isn't much of a need to qt it. I would qt fish from online stores or fish that need to be shipped far distances. If a fish is healthy then why qt it???


New Member
Don't have one but I do have a good repore with lfs, any new fish they get in, that I want to buy, they keep it in a seperate tank in the store for at least a week, sometimes longer just to make sure they are ok, then I bring them home...
Learnt my lesson the hard way. Introduced ich to tank, ich turned out to be oodinium <sp>, everyone dead except for one fish in a QT.
Once my poor tattered goby heals up and goes back into the main tank (at least a month plus) then clean the QT for the next fish


Active Member
rzap...i have a similar thing with my lfs...the fish i want he holds in his qt tank until i'm ready. If I but from *****... I QT for 4 years!!!! j/k but i would definitely qt a fish from *****!


I have had a 150 fowlr since oct, and have just set up a 29gal qt...I too beleived if I was careful picking heathly fish and constantly made
sure my water conditions were ideal that QT was
just an excess.....wrong..QT is definitely the way
to go ..