How many watts for heater?

steven's un

hey..............guys... how many watts with heaters would you suggest for a 55 gallon aquarium...............i was pretty sure how many to need, but when i saw this other thread that said you only need 100, i started doubting myself........thanks if anyone helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i suggest 5 watts per gallon...
you won't need as much if you run MH lighting but thats what i've always used...
I think it depends on the type of climate you live in. I don't see a location for you. I have a 125 gallon tank with about 10 gallons in sump and 20 gallns in refugium. I have one 250 watt ebo jager in my sump and it runs 24/7. Its pretty cold here in Minnesota.

steven's un

Yeah.........i live in it wont get very cold...but i think ill get the ebo-jager 250W too!!!!!!!!!!