How many...?


Another quick question here. Just recently started up a 10 gallon saltwater tank and there are going to be two clownfish in there soon once it is done cycling, but could we possibly fit anymore fish in there like say a damsel or possibly two??


Active Member
It really all depends on how much work and care you are willing to put into the tank. If you want to keep three fish in there (two clowns and either a less agressive damsel or goby), then I would be doing some maintenance on it each week.
I have seen many people do nano cubes (two gallons more than yours) and have two clowns and a goby in there perfectly fine. What I would recommend is for you to siphon the substrate (aragonite/crushed coral) everyweek, unless you have sand, while taking out about 20% of the water weekly as well.


Active Member

Originally posted by Coxy101
Just curious - what kind of clown were you thinking of? That makes a difference.

Yea, I agree. They should only be perculas or ocellaris clowns, anything else would be too big. The perculas would be better because they grow to 2.5" and the ocellaris clowns grow to 3".


Active Member
I have 3 fish in my 12g and i do water changes every other week and my tank is fine i have 3 corals and they are lookin awesome.


Active Member
It isn't just the bioload to worry about, but how comfortable the fish are with the space they have. Crowding them would be like standing with your face 2" from theirs to talk to them. They won't feel very comfortable so close. Same concept with the fish tank.