How Msny Pounds Of Live Rock Would Be used For A 90 Gallon


Active Member
I currently have synthetic decor in my 90 gallon fish only tank. I was wondering how many pounds of Live Rock I would use to fully stock the tank. I want the whole back wall covered from top to bottom corner to corner. I also would like to know if I can mix different types of rock (Tonga Branch with Tonga deep water). How should I make the transition as far as my bio load? I don't want to shock my system.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Adam


Well, I would say 1lb per gallon is the minimum amount I like to go with. But if you're looking to cover the entire back wall, you're definitely going to need more than that....I'm not really sure how much though...I guess it depends if any of rock will be in front also. It also depends on what type of rock you choose. Some rock types are denser than others and you would be able to cover more area using less poundage. For example, florida rock is pretty dense and not as porous...therefore, you will have less surface area for beneficial bacteria, etc. Tonga is very branchy looking...Fiji is more porous...and Marshal is the least dense and most porous, but I find it tends to be more expensive.'s all up to you.
As far as mixing rock types...definitely. In regards to transitioning, make sure that the rock is fully cured before introducing it into the system so as to avoid any die-off causing an ammo spike. I would cure the rock and then add it little by little to let the system (and its inhabitants) acclimate gradually to avoid any undue stress. Hopes this helps...


depends which kind of rock.
I have a 90 gal and I have about 140lb of figi and my back wall is basically covered.


Active Member
Do you have a picture I can see? I am planning on using fiji lr, and then some fiji tonga brach lr for the top pieces?


Active Member
Everywhere online that I see rock for sale the sites always say it is "cured Live Rock" is there another curing process that will be needed or beneficial once I get receive it?


Well, yes, the rock very well may be cured while at the store. The rock, however, isn't shipped in water, usually wet newspaper, and some die-off will occur during the shipping process. Obviously, the longer it takes to be shipped, the more die-off will occur. So, it's better to let it "recure" before placing it in an already established tank to reduce the possibility of a large ammonia spike. I usually place my rock in a large rubbermaid container with water and powerheads for water circulation and oxygenating purposes. If it's a new tank with no livestock that I'm starting the cycle on, I usually just rinse the rock and place it in the new tank and let it do its thing...


Active Member
I have a 90g 48x18x24 and have 90lbs of fiji LR. my design is terrible as i just stacked it on top of each other and it filled from back to front, leaving 8 or so inches and then half way up the tank.
it could use more rock!