How much Calcium


I am going to start adding Bio-Calcium to my (FOWLR), to help grow coraline alge. Does anyone know how much to add for a 125 gal. tank, no other type of corals, just live rock.
What ever product you're using should tell you on the bottle. I use the powder from Seachem(Reef Adv. Calcium). I use one teaspoon every 40 gallons. I also have a 125 gallon tank.
I'm sorry LionKeeper, you should test your tank water before and after you dose to see what level your at. You want to be between 420 and 500. Dosing as I do with the product I use it raises my calcium 12ppm each time.


i agree with PD,monitor your calk.i used the kent 2-part calc/alk when my tank had a problem.they come back fast if your specs aren't too far off.