How much COFFEE do you drink DAILY?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Dragon, did you all of a sudden develop a sleeping problem or was it something you always had, lingering, and coffee just worsened it?
It was an "all of a sudden" type of thing. I spoke to my doctor, who prescribed a sleeping pill for me that helped a little. Then after a few days on that I decided to just try cutting out the caffeine and after that I was able to sleep fine, without the meds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keebler
I only drink 2 But I'm 15 and already suffering from a bad case of shortness.
I started drinking coffee when I was around 12 and I am 6'4" so I think the whole "coffee stunts your growth" thing is a myth!


Active Member
3-4 large dunkin doughnuts extra light no sugar.
One on my way to work, one durning the work day and one on my way home from work. If im really dragging a-- then i stop for one more.
Its a rather disgusting habbit that i got into drinking so much coffee but when you worked the overnight medic shift coffee and cigs becomes your dru g of choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
coffee is disgusting to me.
i'd rather have a good earl grey tea, or chamomille tea.
how on earth did you ever get into earl grey tea or chamomile? I tried that breakfast tea once and just about spit on the windshield


Active Member
I usually do 3 mugs of the 4 cup brothers coffee. Once in the morning. (I make it the good stuff) then a 1/2 mug from work, in the morning and after noon. Then little cups when I get home.


One cup in the morning to kick start my day, black with sugar.
No foo-foo flavoring. Anything more leads to a caffeine crash by noon. More caffeine makes it worse and leads to red-bull to keep me awake.


Active Member
No coffee on a daily basis for me. Caffeine does nothing for me actually.......unless you give me a no doze and then I will puke all over the place. I usually go for an iced mocha twice a year or so, with extra chocolate. I prefer tea daily. It settles food really well. I like oolong, green and chai in the bag (without the cream and sugar as well). I flavor it with stevia. So great, no calories and no chemicals. All natural and nice and sweet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
No coffee on a daily basis for me. Caffeine does nothing for me actually.......unless you give me a no doze and then I will puke all over the place. I usually go for an iced mocha twice a year or so, with extra chocolate. I prefer tea daily. It settles food really well. I like oolong, green and chai in the bag (without the cream and sugar as well). I flavor it with stevia. So great, no calories and no chemicals. All natural and nice and sweet.
I hate stevia, dang wife uses it, then tries to sneak it into tea. I hate it. It tastes soo gross with lemon. Which every ice tea needs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I hate stevia, dang wife uses it, then tries to sneak it into tea. I hate it. It tastes soo gross with lemon. Which every ice tea needs.
Hmm I have never tried it with lemon...
. I do use it in oatmeal and hot tea though. The reason I switched in the first place was because I cut out most sugar in my diet and the chemicals started to give me headaches after a while, so I figured I better find something healthier. I still like the sugar taste better for sure but I don't like the side effects.


New Member
I seriously don't think I could link enough synapses together to even find my way to work without coffee in the morning!!

I drink 3/24 oz Java's during the day!